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Wuhan Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Info [Megathread #2]

Mod note: This is just to compile hopefully useful info and links regarding the impact of the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak on Taiwan. We have no intention of deleting all the virus threads and throwing them in here btw.
If you have any more links you think we should share please post them in the comments or send us a DM!

General info

Travel Restrictions (Level 3 and below):

Travel Restrictions (Level 3 (STARTING MARCH 17th)):

Travel Restrictions (Level 3 (STARTING MARCH 19th)):


submitted by DarkLiberator to taiwan [link] [comments]

Lost in the Sauce: Trump properties reopen while Trump campaign fundraises on lockdowns

Welcome to Lost in the Sauce, keeping you caught up on political and legal news that often gets buried in distractions and theater… or a global health crisis. The title refers to sections "Trump properties" and "Trump campaign"
TLDR pinned at top of comments

Oversight slowly getting started

Select Committee

Last week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appointed the remaining Democratic members to the newly-created House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Crisis. Led by Majority Whip James Clyburn (SC), the panel includes: Oversight Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (NY) Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters (CA), Small Business Committee Chairwoman Nydia Velazquez (NY), Jamie Raskin (MD), Bill Foster (IL), and Andy Kim (NJ).
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) can appoint five Republicans to serve on the committee, but it is unclear if he will do so. On Thursday, McCarthy called the panel a political exercise, saying: “I’m not convinced that we even participate in something like this.”

CARES Oversight Commission

There is a separate committee - the five-person Congressional Oversight Commission - that is also meant to keep tabs on how the CARES Act is implemented. There is significant confusion around how this panel differs from the Select Committee created by Pelosi.
The Oversight Commission still lacks a chair, meant to be chosen jointly by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker Pelosi. The other four members: Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA), chosen by McConnell; Rep. French Hill (R-AR), chosen by McCarthy; former Elizabeth Warren advisor Bharat Ramamurti, chosen by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer; Rep. Donna Shalala (D-FL), chosen by Pelosi.
Pelosi’s pick, Rep. Shalala, recently came under harsh criticism for failing to disclose stocks that she sold as she was preparing to enter Congress in 2019. Pelosi has no intention of removing her from the commission.
Shalala said she had been in the process of placing her assets into a blind trust when the trades were made. The trust still has not been finalized, the Herald reports, so the disclosures were still required...under the 2012 STOCK Act, regulation meant to prevent congressional insider trading.

IG Committee

The Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC) is a panel of 21 inspectors general mandated “to promote transparency and support and conduct oversight of the funds provided to address the pandemic response by the CARES Act, the Paycheck Protection Program,” and other related legislation. The committee exists as part of the Committee of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) and is therefore under the purview of the chair of that committee, DOJ IG Michael Horowitz.
The CIGIE had chosen Pentagon IG Glenn Fine to chair PRAC, but at the beginning of April, Trump replaced Fine with a different acting official within the Pentagon, thereby preventing Fine from leading the coronavirus oversight effort. PRAC pushed forward regardless last week, revealing a new website to keep the public informed on its activities. Horowitz lists himself as the acting-chair, with no replacement for Fine yet appointed.
The CIGIE named its executive director, last week, as well: Robert Westbrooks, the current inspector general of a massive federal retirement benefit program called the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

Other oversight actions

Watchdog group Accountable US is trying a new tactic to investigate the Trump administration’s failure to provide states with adequate testing and other support to respond to the pandemic, filing nearly 200 public records requests across all 50 states seeking communications between state officials and the federal government.
Since states tend to be faster and more responsive to public records requests, the approach may offer a quicker path toward transparency and accountability than document requests to the federal government — or congressional investigations.
The House Foreign Affairs Committee, led by Chairman Eliot Engel, is investigating the Trump administration’s decision to withhold funding to the World Health Organization. “The Administration’s explanation for this decision is inadequate, and the Committee on Foreign Affairs is determined to understand the reasons behind this self-defeating withdrawal from global leadership,” the chairman wrote in a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
Engel set a May 4 deadline - today - for fulfilling a variety of documents requests. If the administration does not comply, "the Committee will consider all other measures at its disposal to compel their production."

The never-ending list of problems

From the perspective of average Americans, there were a great many problems with the CARES Act passed at the end of March. Individuals and entities who needed assistance the least ended up receiving the most.
  • Lobbyists: At least 25 former officials who once worked for the Trump administration, campaign, or transition team are now registered as lobbyists for clients with novel coronavirus needs.
    • One firm in particular, Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, emerged as the first quarter lobbying winner, receiving more than $11 million from clients. That's a 21% increase over last year’s first quarter revenue. 52% of the firm’s new clients registered with the firm solely for pandemic-related legislation.
  • More than a month after the CARES Act was passed, the Treasury Department has yet to disburse $8 billion in coronavirus relief funds to Native tribes. Tribes are suing the department for missing its April 26 deadline to distribute funds.
  • More than a dozen Native American tribes have brought a second lawsuit against the Treasury for its plan to give for-profit Native corporations (ANCs) a share of the $8 billion fund. Last week, US District Judge Amit Mehta ruled in favor of the tribes, concluding that there is no evidence that ANCs are actually providing public services during the pandemic. Judge Mehta’s order did not force the Treasury to disburse the funds, however, so it is still not known when tribes will receive the aid.
  • In the last four weeks, the billionaire class has added $308bn to its wealth. Eight of those billionaires have seen their net worth surge by over $1bn each, including the Amazon boss, Jeff Bezos, and his ex-wife MacKenzie Bezos; Eric Yuan, founder of Zoom; the former Microsoft chief Steve Ballmer; and Elon Musk, the Tesla and SpaceX technocrat.
  • The mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico, has alleged that none of the island’s eligible residents have received their expected stimulus payments from the federal government. The direct deposits will be released to some of Puerto Rico’s residents after the U.S. Treasury approves of Puerto Rico’s distribution plan, Francisco Parés, Secretary at the Puerto Rico Treasury Department, said last week.
  • Tiny airports rake in big cash after botched stimulus formula: Airports with little or no debt and a decent amount of cash on hand were entitled to receive a relatively large share of the money. But that inherently benefited small airports because they don’t have the huge amounts of debt associated with capital projects at larger airports. For example, a tiny airport in Devils Lake, N.D., scored enough money under the federal stimulus law to cover its expenses for 50 years. JFK International in New York, got barely enough aid to make it through three months of operations.
Small business loans
  • Dallas billionaire Monty Bennett - a major Trump donor - became the largest recipient of funds from the Paycheck Protection Program. Last week, his company Ashford Inc. was defiant, saying it would be keeping the $126 million in forgivable loans. Then Saturday, Ashford backtracked, saying it will return all funds “due to the [small business] agency's recently changed rules and inconsistent federal guidance that put the companies at compliance risk.”
  • Elite private schools were approved for and accepted small business loans, including schools with endowments exceeding tens of millions of dollars. St. Andrew's Episcopal School in Maryland, attended by Trump’s son Barron, is planning on keeping the small business loan it secured. Sidwell Friends, the alma mater of President Obama’s daughters, also intends to keep its loan, as does Brentwood School in LA, attended by Treasury Secretary Mnuchin’s two children.
  • In addition to the Trump-connected companies identified in my previous post, three more have been identified: Capstone Turbine Corp., got $2.6 million in loans; Continental Materials received $5.5 million in loans; Easypost, whose CEO is a Trump donor, obtained an unspecified loan as well.
  • The Center for Responsible Lending warned that “Roughly 95% of Black-owned businesses, 91% of Latino-owned businesses, 91% of Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander-owned businesses, and 75% of Asian-owned businesses stand close to no chance of receiving a PPP loan through a mainstream bank or credit union.”
  • The first round of coronavirus aid to small businesses was a boon to rural states that backed President Donald Trump but haven’t been hit as hard by the pandemic as Democratic strongholds on the coasts. Of the 10 states that had the largest shares of approved loans as a portion of eligible payrolls in the aid program, eight of them backed President Donald Trump in the last election.

McGahn case

On Tuesday, the full D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals heard arguments in the House’s case to enforce a subpoena for the testimony of former White House Counsel Don McGahn.
Throughout the three-hour teleconference argument, judges raised concerns about whether cutting off the courts to Congress would remove any incentive for future presidents to cooperate or negotiate with lawmakers trying to check executive power.
Most of the nine judges who joined in the rare en banc session Tuesday seemed receptive to the House’s concerns, with one judge musing the Trump administration was so intent on sidelining the courts that the public would be left only with "revolution" as an alternative.
Note: Judges Gregory Katsas and Neomi Rao did not participate Tuesday. Both were nominated by the president and previously held high-level positions in the Trump administration.

Border wall case

The full D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals also heard a case about Trump’s border wall spending:
The House lawsuit claims Trump violated the Constitution by ignoring the spending limits imposed by Congress and diverting more than $6 billion allocated for other purposes to fund the wall… Justice Department lawyers told the appeals court Tuesday a single chamber of Congress cannot sue the administration because the power to appropriate federal funds is assigned to Congress as a whole.
Judge Thomas B. Griffith appeared to embrace that argument, asking the House lawyer: “Isn’t it pretty clear that you need to have the Senate with you right now to bring this suit?”

Mueller grand jury case

The DC Circuit Court of Appeals gave the Justice Department 10 days - until May 11 - to turn over Mueller’s grand jury materials to the House Judiciary Committee or file for an injunction with the Supreme Court, teeing up yet another dispute at the high court.

Flynn case

On Wednesday, Michael Flynn’s attorneys made public FBI investigation notes related to the probe that led to Flynn’s indictment, guilty plea, and recent attempt to take back his plea. Trump supporters seized on a handwritten note from then-FBI counterintelligence director Bill Priestap, discussing how agents should approach a critical 2017 interview with Flynn about his contacts with Russia’s ambassador to the United States before Trump took office.
Flynn & Trump supporters argue the documents show that Flynn was railroaded into pleading guilty, with his lawyers saying it is “stunning” evidence that their client was “set up and framed by corrupt agents at the top of the FBI.”
"What's our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?" Priestap wrote. "If we get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act, give facts to DOJ & have them decide. Or, if he initially lies, then we present him [redacted] & he admits it, document for DOJ, & let them decide how to address it."
Chuck Rosenberg, a former U.S. attorney who also served as Comey’s chief of staff, said the notes do not make a case for entrapment.
“It is not a close call,” said Rosenberg. “In this situation, Flynn had three options: tell the truth, lie or refuse to talk. The FBI did not plant a lie, urge him to repeat the lie, record him in the lie, and then prosecute him for lying. That might be entrapment. Here, Flynn was predisposed to lie, chose to talk, and then lied. That’s not entrapment.”
“Even if the government knows you’re lying, lying to the government is a crime,” Harry Sandick, a defense attorney who previously worked in the Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s Office, said. False statements, even if the government knows they’re false, are still criminal as long as their material to the investigation.
It is very unlikely that the courts will dismiss Flynn’s case because of these documents. Instead, it is more likely that the documents provide cover for Trump to issue a pardon to Flynn. Since the release, Trump has tweeted about Flynn’s case numerous times, saying in one instance: “What happened to General Michael Flynn, a war hero, should never be allowed to happen to a citizen of the United States again!”
  • Fox News also took up Flynn’s case, with Hannity saying the FBI forced Flynn to lie and Lindsey Graham saying that Michael Flynn was railroaded.
  • Further reading: “White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany promised at her first press briefing Friday that she will "never lie" but she did mislead in an answer about fired national security adviser Michael Flynn.”

A Flynn connection

Scott Stedman has done some great reporting on Circles Bulgaria - a hacking/surveillance firm under the control of the infamous Israeli spyware company NSO Group. Circles has tools to hack civilians and track their location, read their messages, emails, and listen in to their calls covertly. Their tech has been sold to Ecuador, Mexico, UAE, and elsewhere.
Circles is owned by a firm that worked with Michael Flynn. In other words, a US Lieutenant General and former National Security Advisor to Trump works with firms using spyware on citizens.
Former Trump adviser Michael Flynn, who pled guilty to lying to the FBI about his conversations with the Russian Ambassador before withdrawing his guilty plea in January by claiming entrapment, advised Circles’ parent company OSY Technologies in 2016 and 2017, receiving just over $40,000.
Full disclosure: I write for Forensic News, so I'm a bit biased when I say we do great work

Roger Stone disclosures

Newly-released documents from the FBI reveal that Roger Stone had extensive contact with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange during Trump’s 2016 campaign.
In the missives, Stone and Assange discussed the origin of damaging information on Hillary Clinton that U.S. officials believe was hacked by Russians and handed to WikiLeaks. In a direct message on Twitter cited by the FBI, Stone told Assange “as a journalist it doesn’t matter where you get information only that it is accurate and authentic,” adding, “If the US government moves on you I will bring down the entire house of cards.”
After Stone congratulated Assange on “the trumped-up sexual assault charges” being “dropped,” an apparent reference to a sexual-assault investigation by Swedish authorities, Assange replied: “Between CIA and DoJ they’re doing quite a lot. On the DoJ side that’s coming most strongly from those obsessed with taking down Trump trying to squeeze us into a deal.” Stone wrote back that he was doing everything possible to “address the issues at the highest level of Government.” (DB)
  • Trump tweeted: Does anybody really believe that Roger Stone, a man whose house was raided early in the morning by 29 gun toting FBI Agents (with Fake News @CNN closely in toe), was treated fairly. How about the jury forewoman with her unannounced hatred & bias. Same scammers as General Flynn!

Trump properties

  • WaPo: The Secret Service rented a room at President Trump’s Washington hotel for 137 consecutive nights in 2017 — paying Trump’s company more than $33,000 — so it could guard Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin while he lived in one of the hotel’s luxury suites
  • During a phone call with governors, Trump - who owns a hotel on the Las Vegas Strip - asked Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak, a Democrat, whether he had made a decision on opening his state "and the Strip, etc., etc., with all your hotels." A Las Vegas re-opening, Trump said, "will be a big thing."
  • CNN: Several Trump Organization golf properties previously closed to comply with various business restrictions related to the coronavirus outbreak have reopened... Trump National Doral Miami Golf Club reopened for members on Friday and as of Saturday, guests of the hotel are also able to golf… Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, has been open only to members since Wednesday. And Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, reopened Saturday, also to members only. Trump National Golf Club Washington, DC, in Potomac Falls VA, is open Saturday.
  • Salon: On the same day that President Donald Trump ordered a temporary halt on some green cards, his second son promoted Trump-branded "quarantine wine" on social media. Though he initially vowed to "temporarily suspend" all immigration to the country, the president ultimately signed a more limited order. The ban did not suspend the visas for agricultural workers from which Trump Vineyards benefits.

Trump campaign

  • WSJ: President Trump’s reelection campaign has placed an order for “red, Trump-branded face masks for supporters… Campaign officials have discussed giving away the masks at events or in return for donations.” ...Along with selling the masks, the campaign is planning a TV blitz and several events focused on older voters.
    • The Trump administration initially intended to manufacture millions of cloth face masks to give to Americans to survive the coronavirus pandemic. The idea was ultimately scrapped over worries about logistics.
  • NPR: From Puzzles To Plastic Straws: Merch Plays A Key Role In Trump's Fundraising. At a time when jigsaw puzzles may be harder to come by than toilet paper, the hot new item in the Trump campaign online store is a 200-piece puzzle, featuring a faintly smiling President Trump standing in front of an American flag, giving two thumbs up. The $35 puzzle is just the latest example of the campaign capitalizing on in-the-moment merchandise.
    • Those of us keeping track of Trump campaign emails have noticed an uptick in the promotion of other lockdown-friendly merch like “Trump-Pence Pint Glasses” and “Trump-Pence 2020 Playing Cards.”
  • Daily Beast: Trump Victory, a joint fundraising committee between the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee, and the RNC itself, have paid the Pluvious Group, a GOP consultancy in Los Angeles, nearly $2 million since Trump became the nominee in 2016...Pluvious [was] part of a federal criminal investigation in late 2018 into “whether foreigners contributed money to the Trump inaugural fund and PAC by possibly using American intermediaries.”... [and] was part of a money laundering scheme in California that allowed donors to hide their identities in filings to work around contribution limits

Voting rights

  • Dallas News: Texas Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton said that election officials in Texas who offer mail ballots to people who normally wouldn't qualify but are afraid of catching the coronavirus could be subjected to criminal punishment. Paxton’s guidance to county election officials comes two weeks after a state judge in Travis County ruled that Texas voters who fear catching the coronavirus could vote by mail.
  • Texas voters sue over age restrictions for mail-in ballots: The voters — all between the ages of 18 and 28 — want the courts to rule that the state's age restriction for voting by mail, which limits eligibility to those 65 and older, violates constitutional protections.
  • A federal judge has ruled against a conservative group’s lawsuit that sought to block [Nevada’s] planned all-mail primary election in June.
  • Louisiana lawmakers remotely voted by mail to roll back an expansion of vote by mail for voters concerned about the coronavirus.
  • AP: A federal appeals court panel ruled Wednesday that Kansas can’t require voters to show proof of citizenship when they register, dealing a blow to efforts by Republicans in several states who have pursued restrictive voting laws as a way of combating voter fraud.
  • “California Republicans Sue to Stop Collection of Ballots Amid Pandemic,” Courthouse News
  • Kansas City Star: In a Capitol hearing room that was nearly empty because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Missouri Republicans took another step Thursday evening toward repealing redistricting changes enacted by voters in 2018.


  • Bloomberg: The Federal Reserve revamped its Main Street Lending Program in ways that will allow battered oil companies to qualify for the aid after industry allies lobbied the Trump administration for changes… Environmentalists blasted the shifts they said rewarded oil companies that took on too much debt and were overproducing crude even before the coronavirus pandemic caused demand to plunge.
  • The 12 member energy panel on Trump’s so-called “Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups” panel, advising how to reopen the economy, includes 8 oil and gas executives who have collectively made more than $4.2 million in political contributions since Trump launched his presidential bid in June 2015. The energy group includes no one from the renewable energy world.
  • Guardian: US fossil fuel companies have taken at least $50m in taxpayer money they probably won’t have to pay back, according to a review of coronavirus aid meant for struggling small businesses...A total of $28m is going to three coal mining companies, all with ties to Trump officials…
  • Reuters: As the United States pressed Saudi Arabia to end its oil price war with Russia, President Donald Trump gave Saudi leaders an ultimatum: Cut oil supply or lose U.S. military support.


  • “Trump renews threats to withhold federal funds from sanctuary cities amid pandemic,” CNN
  • Chicago Tribune: President Donald Trump’s Justice Department can’t withhold federal grants from sanctuary cities such as Chicago that extend protections to undocumented immigrants, a federal appeals court ruled Thursday.
  • Kera News (local Texas news): The COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t stopped the Trump administration from building miles of border wall between the U.S. and Mexico. Advocates say the administration is ramping up lawsuits against South Texas landowners to take their land for border wall construction and is accelerating the approval of construction contracts.
  • Federal judges in Ohio and Florida have ordered ICE to release some additional detainees due to the risk of contracting COVID-19. While the Ohio order only applied to a couple of detainees with medical conditions, the Miami judge ordered hundreds to be released, citing conditions that amount to ”cruel and unusual punishment.”
  • “Internal ICE Reviews Of Two Immigrant Deaths Stoke Fears About COVID-19 Care,” NPR
  • Miami Herald: At least 60% of immigration detainees who have been tested nationwide have the virus that causes COVID-19… [however] the numbers from ICE reveal that only 1.38% of its detainees have been tested.

Jails, nursing homes, and meat plants

I didn't have time to add this to the coronavirus response post on Friday - I'm going to tack it on here because I think it is important: jails/prisons, nursing homes, and meat-packing plants make up the top 10 biggest coronavirus clusters in the U.S. This fact illustrates who America (as a nation) believes is expendable in society: prisoners, the elderly, and low-wage workers (this is an oversimplification, but you get my point).
  • The number of reported coronavirus cases at a Tyson Food plant in Indiana soared to nearly 900 last week. The plant has since suspended production while allowing for additional cleaning services, but will reopen under Trump’s executive order.
  • WaPo op-ed: I work at Smithfield Foods. I’m suing them over putting our lives at risk for your dinner. Meat processing plants can do more to protect us from the coronavirus
  • The Bureau of Prisons is releasing hundreds of inmates to home confinement in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus. But the process is murky. Wealthy inmates are walking out the door, while the poor remain behind bars.
    • Note: sparking concerns of political interference, Michael Cohen’s release from jail was postponed without explanation
  • A medical expert alleges that a federal jail in Brooklyn, New York, [Metropolitan Detention Center] that houses roughly 1,700 people is destroying medical records as part of a deliberate effort to obscure the number of incarcerated people infected with the coronavirus and to avoid providing them adequate care
  • CBS: More than 1,300 people in the New York City jail system have tested positive for the virus, according to the city's Department of Corrections. Three inmates have died, along with 10 staffers.
  • "Florida prison operator with worst COVID-19 safety record [GEO Group] is money tree for politicians," Miami Herald
  • USA Today: More than 16,000 residents and staff of nursing homes and long-term care facilities have died in the U.S., roughly a quarter of the nation’s overall deaths… In New Jersey, where the virus has reached 86% of the state’s 575 long-term care facilities, outbreaks at two veterans’ homes have left 97 dead. In multiple states, including Kentucky, Colorado and Pennsylvania, more than half of the state’s fatalities are from nursing homes.
submitted by rusticgorilla to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

Jun/7/2020 News: (1) Dodi Gago comes out swinging (2) Armenian cards game (3) Good guy Colorado (4) Fake news for your entertainment (5) COVID unleashes hell (6) Crime plummets because of COVID (7) Internal tourism (8) Export stats (9) COVID donations (10) Major roads connecting Armenia-Artsakh

Colorado State House...

... passed a bill to require Armenian and Jewish Genocide studies in the High School curriculum. ANCA sent a note of gratitude to their partner organizations for helping to lobby for the bill.

BHK leader Dodi Gago

...sharply criticized the Pashinyan administration with various accusations about "political persecutions", "failure to keep their promises to people" and said 100% of govt members must resign. He urged a consolidation against Pashinyan and will hold discussions with other parties.
Pashinyan's office responded saying Dodi Gago is making desperate comments because he knows his past tax evasions, illegal property dealings, voter fraud, etc. are being actively investigated, so he sensed danger and decided to go on offense.
High Tech Minister indirectly called Gago an illiterate man who calls others inexperienced.
Context: Two of Gago's top company directors are facing felony charges. The most famous money laundering case involving UCOM-owner is about Gago's director allegedly bribing HHK regime to allow Gago to evade taxes/laws.

Russian outlet publishes cigarette smuggling "fake news"

Context: HHK-linked businessmen allegedly smuggled cigarettes to Russia and got caught. Serj's fugitive son-in-law published a conspiracy theory blaming the smuggling on Pashinyan family.
Today a Russian website published a story claiming another smuggling incident occurred and promoted fugitive Minasyan's accusations against Pashinyan.
Armenian IRS contacted its Russian colleagues for info and says this story was fake news.

Bill Gates strikes again

This time his target is Healthcare Minister Torosyan. /s
Anti-vaxx Facebook user shared a photo of Torosyan with "Gavi Alliance" logo on the background.
"Torosyan is a member of Gavi Alliance funded by Bill Gates. It vaccinates kids in poor countries. We won't let you [Torosyan] vaccinate us and our kids. You must resign," wrote the anti-vaxx activist. It reached news sites like
What is Gavi Alliance? It vaccinates half of the world's kids, including 760mln poor kids who couldn't afford to buy it. They do so by working with vaccine companies to reduce the price for poor countries.
Bill Gates essentially pays the bill for poor kids. I REPEAT. Bill Gates is not shoving expensive vaccines in kids' throats to make money. It's the opposite.
Up until 2019 Armenia was considered poor, so it qualified for Gavi's hepatitis, diphtheria etc. vaccines.
In 2019 Armenia crossed the GDP-per-capita limit and now pays the full price. (no pun intended)
Minister Torosyan became Gavi board member in July-2019 after Armenia was already excluded form handouts.

Lt. General's wedding party

The chief of general staff of armed forces Lt. Gen Artak Davtyan is in hot water for organizing his son's wedding during COVID.
The army man, however, says they followed the regulations to limit the number of attendees and keep them apart. Hraparak outlet, however, claims there were hundreds of cars outside.
Pashinyan's chief of staff denied rumors by Roboserj outlets claiming that he, too, was involved with the wedding. The official asked the outlets to retract the "misinformation."

COVID stats

+776 infected. +294 healed. +10 deaths.
8844 active. 4014 healed. 200 deaths.
1 prisoner infected.
34% more women got infected.
Deaths: 58% men, 42% women.
Artsakh has 28 active, 31 healed, 70 isolated, 0 deaths.

leave my hand, man

Cops arrested a mask-less man who began yelling and complaining about a rough treatment. "Leave my hand, man. Leave my hand. Your president will pay a big price."

overall deaths are down this year

COVID messed up stats for some illnesses. 100 fewer people died from cancer this year. A cancer patient, who was "soon going to die from cancer", ended up dying from COVID. COVID essentially "stole" the statistic from cancer.
Armenia is among the countries that records these deaths as being from COVID, and not cancer. These deaths account for ~40% of all cases.

settlement is quarantined after a funeral

Dzoragyugh resident went to a funeral in a nearby settlement, caught COVID, then returned home and participated in another funeral, leading to infections in his settlement.
63 are sick. Dzoragyugh is placed on lockdown for 2 weeks. ,

Healthcare system on the edge / Patients die without bed

Pashinyan reports:
We believe there could be 100,000 [mostly undetected] infections in Armenia.
Despite recently adding 2,000 suitable beds and building a new facility, 200 COVID patients are currently waiting for a free bed. 3 of them died while waiting.
132 beds will be ready soon. St. Gregory hospital is building a new reanimation facility. Erebuni hospital will follow suit.
At first, we decided to introduce a widespread lockdown, but our studies concluded that it won't be effective because people don't respect quarantine orders either way.
The last few days have shown us that even if we shut down certain public places, people will take their parties home and still get infected; the only thing we would achieve is a worse economy.
The moment we believe the public will take the situation seriously and is ready to comply, we'll immediately introduce a lockdown.
We are in a critical state. The line to Hell has been crossed. Everyone must understand that they can die from COVID without making it to a hospital bed.
Hospital chief reports:
While the cases were mild in March, nowadays we get more serious and critical cases. Many patients delay seeking medical treatment/diagnosis. Doctors need your help. Wash your hands, wear a mask, keep a social distance.
Policeman reports:
We patrol roads and sidewalks. Many times the youth unnecessarily rebels and refuses to follow police instructions about masks. We'd rather not to give tickets. Respect safety.


My Step charity foundation gave tablets to 331 rural kids so they can participate in remove classes.
Armenian-Georgian businessman Pavel Oganezov donated 10 lung vents to Armenia.

exports in Q1

Russia -11%
Swiss -22%
UAE +4.3 times
Bulgaria +21%
China +11%
Iraq -27%
Iran +56%
USA +12%
Georgia -29%
Germany -26%
Azerbaijan +0.00000001% (someone found a box of Armenian cigarettes in Azerbaijan, security forces investigating)

COVID = protectionism for tourism

They can't fly, so they stay and explore their homeland.
Every year, thousands of Armenians visit Lori's Stepanavan Dendropark nature area to witness the pollination of pine trees. Nearby hotels and restaurants boom.
Many foreigners reserve a room before visiting. This year the reservations were canceled due to COVID. Local tourism is also down.
Nevertheless, the nearby "Sochut" recreation center is happy with the current tourist numbers. It's 100% booked. Last week the Dendropark attendance was so high the govt had to throttle it after seeing the long unprotected queue lines.
Not everyone is doing as well. Grig House Eco Resort says they're 80% full, while Tej Ler is <30% capacity.
Lori Tourism Development chief says their research shows that many of these local tourists were supposed to fly abroad but couldn't, so they visited Lori instead.

tons of hail fell in Goris, turning the streets white

Update: Former Environment Minister...

... Eric Grigoryan resigned a few weeks ago. He just created a new organization consisted of dozens of experts to provide advice to counties in East Europe-Central Asia-Middle East about climate change, water management, and how to use tech to tackle problems.

lockdown's effect on crime

Crime -42% YoY in March/16 - May/14.
43% of all crime was theft, which is down by a third YoY.

notorious budka on crosshairs

Last week Yerevan council members asked the mayor to investigate a fancy budka that was recently installed on a sidewalk - between two crosswalks - blocking the way for pedestrians.
Mayor Marutyan asked Ajapnyak district chief to remove it and to investigate nearby budkas.

roads connecting Artsakh with Armenia

Two main roads are connecting Artsakh to Armenia. The central 90km road connects Goris, Armenia to Stepanakert, Artsakh. It was built after independence with the help of diasporan donations.
Diasporan donations in 2013 allowed the govt to build the second 114km road, this one in the north. It connects Vardenis, Armenia to Martakert, Artsakh.
In late-2018 the govt announced plans to build the 3rd road to connect south-central Artsakh (Hadrut region) to Armenia's Goris region. The construction begins this year. The road will allow southern Artsakh to develop faster.
President Arayik said they're negotiating with an energy firm ArtsakhEnergo to revamp the electric grid in this region by 2022.

Droshapolis / Made in Lockdown

Entrepreneur Hayk Mkrtchyan got bored during the lockdown and created a new card game "Droshapolis". People have always asked him to have a board game involving flags. "I'm bad at geography so it motivated me," said Hayk.
2 players are necessary. It's family-friendly. The game has several difficulty levels controlled by the number of cards.
195 cards contain each country's capital and other famous info, but not the ones you commonly find in school books.
The group was able to print the cards once the lockdown was lifted. The first batch had to be recalled because it contained a wrong info due to an error on a computer file.
In 10 days they sold enough sets to cover the 2mln production cost.
The creator will ask the Education Ministry to license the cards as a supplementary product. If approved, geography teachers can use it during classes.

This is Goshavanq

...named after Mkhitar Gosh, a priest and Armenian Renaissance figure.

Disclaimer & Terminology

1) The accused are innocent until proven guilty in the court of law, even if they sound guilty.
2) Currency in Armenian ֏ unless specified otherwise.
3) NSS/SIS/SOC = law enforcement agencies. QP = Civil Contract Party. LHK = Bright Armenia Party. BHK = Prosperous Armenia Party. HHK = Republican Party.
4) ARCHIVE of older posts by Idontknowmuch: PART 1 ; PART 2 ; PART 3 ; PART 4 ; PART 5.
4) ARCHIVE of older posts by Armeniapedia.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

[DIPLOMACY] The Peace of Lausanne


of the one part,
of the other part;
Being united in the desire to bring to a final close the state of war which has existed in the East since 1914,
Being anxious to re-establish the relations of friendship and commerce which are essential to the mutual well-being of their respective peoples,
And considering that these relations must be based on respect for the independence and sovereignty of States,
Have decided to conclude a Treaty for this purpose, and have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries:
Who, having produced their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed as follows:

Political Clauses

Article 1:
c1. From the coming into force of the present Treaty, the state of peace will be definitely re-established between the British Empire, France, Italy, Japan, Greece, Roumania and the Serb-Croat-Slovene State of the one part, and Turkey of the other part, as well as between their respective nationals. Official relations will be resumed on both sides and, in the respective territories, diplomatic and consular representatives will receive, without prejudice to such agreements as may be concluded in the future, treatment in accordance with the general principles of international law.
Article 2:
c1. From the Black Sea to the Aegean the frontier of Turkey is laid down as follows: c2. With Bulgaria: From the mouth of the River Rezvaya, to the River Maritza, the point of junction of the three frontiers of Turkey, Bulgaria and Greece: the southern frontier of Bulgaria as at present demarcated. c3. With Greece: Thence to the confluence of the Arda and the Maritza: the course of the Maritza; then upstream along the Arda, up to a point on that river to be determined on the spot in the immediate neighbourhood of the village of Tchorek-Keuy: the course of the Arda; thence in a south-easterly direction up to a point on the Maritza, 1 kilometre below Bosna-Keuy: a roughly straight line leaving in Turkish territory the village of Bosna-Keuy. The village of Tchorek-Keuy shall be assigned to Greece or to Turkey according as the majority of the population shall be found to be Greek or Turkish by the Commission for which provision is made in Article 5, the population which has migrated into this village after 11 October 1922 not being taken into account; thence to the Ægean Sea: the course of the Maritza. c4. With the Balkans:
At the request of the British in favor of the Romanians, the section has been changed. Ada Kaleh shall be a Turkish-Romanian condominium along with all land within 3 kilometers of the vicinity.
Article 3:
c1. From the Mediterranean to the frontier of Persia, the frontier of Turkey is laid down as follows: c2. With Syria: The frontier described in Article 8 of the Franco-Turkish Agreement of Aleppo. c3. With Iraq: The frontier between Turkey and Iraq shall be laid down in friendly arrangement to be concluded between Turkey and Great Britain within nine months. In the event of no agreement being reached between the two Governments within the time mentioned, the dispute shall be referred to the Council of the League of Nations. The Turkish and British Governments reciprocally undertake that, pending the decision to be reached on the subject of the frontier, no military or other movement shall take place which might modify in any way the present state of the territories of which the final fate will depend upon that decision.
Articles 4-11
On boundaries and maps, not important
Article 12:
c1. The decision taken on the 13 February 1914 by the Conference of London, in virtue of Articles 5 of the Treaty of London of the 17–30 May 1913 and 15 of the Treaty of Athens of the 1–14 November 1913, which decision was communicated to the Greek Government on the 13 February 1914, regarding the sovereignty of Greece over the islands of the Eastern Mediterranean, other than the islands of Imbros, Tenedos and Rabbit Islands, particularly the islands of Lemnos, Samothrace, Mytilene, Chios, Samos and Nikaria, is confirmed, subject to the provisions of the present Treaty respecting the islands placed under the sovereignty of Italy which form the subject of Article 15. c2. Except where a provision to the contrary is contained in the present Treaty, the islands situated at less than three miles from the Asiatic coast remain under Turkish sovereignty.
Article 13:
c1. With a view to ensuring the maintenance of peace, the Turkish Government undertakes to observe the following restrictions in the islands of Mytilene, Chios, Samos and Nikaria: (1) No naval base and no fortification will be established in the said islands.
(2) Greek military aircraft will be forbidden to fly over Turkey. Reciprocally, the Turkish Government will forbid their military aircraft to fly over Greece.
(3) On local police, not important
Article 14:
c1. The islands of Imbros, Tenedos and Rabbit Islands, particularly the islands of Lemnos, Samothrace, Mytilene, Chios, Samos and Nikaria, remaining under Turkish sovereignty, shall enjoy a special administrative organisation composed of local elements and furnishing every guarantee for the native non-Moslem population in so far as concerns local administration and the protection of persons and property. The maintenance of order will be assured therein by a police force recruited from amongst the local population by the local administration above provided for and placed under its orders. c2. On the population exchange, which has not yet happened
Article 15:
Article 15 modified at request of the Italian delegation.
c1. Turkey recognizes the* annexation and the loss of claim* in favour of Italy all rights and title over the following islands: Stampalia (Astrapalia), Rhodes (Rhodos), Calki (Kharki), Scarpanto, Casos (Casso), Piscopis (Tilos), Misiros (Nisyros), Calimnos (Kalymnos), Leros, Patmos, Lipsos (Lipso), Simi (Symi), and Cos (Kos), which are now occupied by Italy, and the islets dependent thereon, and also over the island of Castellorizzo.
Articles 16-22
On Turkey recognizing the loss of Egypt, Sudan, Cyprus, Libya, etc
Article 23:
On the straits, which shall be discussed later.
Articles 24-26
On the Grand National Assembly recognizing the treaties of the Great War
Article 27:
c1. No power or jurisdiction in political, legislative or administrative matters shall be exercised outside Turkish territory by the Turkish Government or authorities, for any reason whatsoever, over the nationals of a territory placed under the sovereignty or protectorate of the other Powers signatory of the present Treaty, or over the nationals of a territory detached from Turkey. c2. It is understood that the spiritual attributions of the Moslem religious authorities are in no way infringed.
Article 28:
c1. Each of the High Contracting Parties hereby accepts, in so far as it is concerned, the complete abolition of the Capitulations in Turkey in every respect
Article 29
On minority rights of non Turk Muslims in Turkey
Articles 30-36
On nationality, less important than it sounds
Articles 37-45
On minority rights, psshhhh, as if Turks have ever had a problem with that

Financial Clauses

Articles 46-63
All on debt. Let's just tranfer it all to Armenia, ok?

Economic Clauses

Don't really want to go into these. I'm sure they were very important at the time because they had 36 clauses on it, but it is not important to /SWWP

Communications and sanitary questions

See Economic Clauses

Miscellaneous Clauses

Article 119
The High Contracting Parties agree to repatriate at once the prisoners of war and interned civilians who are still in their hands.
The exchange of prisoners of war and interned civilians detained by Greece and Turkey respectively forms the subject of a separate agreement between those Powers signed at Lausanne on the 30th January, 1923.
Article 120
Prisoners of war and interned civilians awaiting disposal or undergoing sentence for offences against discipline shall be repatriated irrespective of the completion of their sentence or of the proceedings pending against them.
Prisoners of war and interned civilians who are awaiting trial or undergoing sentence for offences other than those against discipline may be detained.
Article 121
The High Contracting Parties agree to give every facility in their respective territories for the search for the missing and the identification of prisoners of war and interned civilians who have expressed their desire not to be repatriated.
Article 122
The High Contracting Parties undertake to restore on the coming into force of the present Treaty all articles, money, securities, documents and personal effects of every description which have belonged to prisoners of war or interned civilians and which have been retained.
Article 123
The High Contracting Parties waive reciprocally all repayments of sums due for the maintenance of prisoners of war captured by their armies.
Articles 124-136
Graves, not important
Final articles
All not that important, desribes ratification and such

Conference on the Straits

Article 1
The High Contracting Parties agree to recognise and declare the principle of freedom of transit and of navigation by sea and by air in the Strait of the Dardanelles, the Sea of Marmora and the Bosphorus, hereinafter comprised under the general term of the "Straits."
Article 2
The transit and navigation of commercial vessels and aircraft, and of war vessels and aircraft in the Straits in time of peace and in time of war shall henceforth be regulated by the provisions of the attached Annex.
ANNEX. Edit Rules for the Passage of Commercial Vessels and Aircraft, and of War Vessels and Aircraft through the Straits.
  1. Merchant Vessels, including Hospital Ships, Yachts and Fishing Vessels and non-Military Aircraft.
(a) In Time of Peace.
Complete freedom of navigation and passage by day and by night under any flag and with any kind of cargo, without any formalities, or tax, or charge whatever (subject, however, to international sanitary provisions) unless for services directly rendered, such as pilotage, light, towage or other similar charges, and without prejudice to the rights exercised in this respect by the services and undertakings now operating under concessions granted by the Turkish Government.
To facilitate the collection of these dues, merchant vessels passing the Straits will communicate to stations appointed by the Turkish Government their name, nationality, tonnage and destination.
Pilotage remains optional.
(b) In Time of War, Turkey being Neutral.
Complete freedom of navigation and passage by day and by night under the same conditions as above. The duties and rights of Turkey as a neutral Power cannot authorise her to take any measures liable to interfere with navigation through the Straits, the waters of which, and the air above which, must remain entirely free in time of war, Turkey being neutral just as in time of peace.
Pilotage remains optional.
(c) In Time of War, Turkey being a Belligerent.
Freedom of navigation for neutral vessels and neutral non-military aircraft, if the vessel or aircraft in question does not assist the enemy, particularly by carrying contraband, troops or enemy nationals. Turkey will have the right to visit and search such vessels and aircraft, and for this purpose aircraft are to alight on the ground or on the sea in such areas as are specified and prepared for this purpose by Turkey. The rights of Turkey to apply to enemy vessels the measures allowed by international law are not affected.
Turkey will have full power to take such measures as she may consider necessary to prevent enemy vessels from using the Straits. These measures, however, are not to be of such a nature as to prevent the free passage of neutral vessels, and Turkey agrees to provide such vessels with either the necessary instruction or pilots for the above purpose.
  1. Warships, induding Fleet Auxiliaries, Troopships, Aircraft Carriers and Military Aircraft.
(a) In Time of Peace.
Complete freedom of passage by day and by night under any flag, without any formalities, or tax, or charge whatever, but subject to the following restrictions as to the total force:
The maximum force which any one Power may send through the Straits into the Black Sea is not to be greater than that of the most powerful fleet of the littoral Powers of the Black Sea existing in that sea at the time of passage; but with the proviso that the Powers reserve to themselves the right to send into the Black Sea, at all times and under all circumstances, a force of not more than three ships, of which no individual ship shall exceed 10,000 tons.
Turkey has no responsibility in regard to the number of war vessels which pass through the Straits.
In order to enable the above rule to be observed, the Straits Commission provided for in Article 10 will, on the 1st January and the 1st July of each year, enquire of each Black Sea littoral Power the number of each of the following classes of vessel which such Power possesses in the Black Sea: Battle-ships, battle-cruisers, aircraft-carriers, cruisers, destroyers, submarines, or other types of vessels as well as naval aircraft; distinguishing between the ships which are in active commission and the ships with reduced complements, the ships in reserve and the ships undergoing repairs or alterations.
The Straits Commission will then inform the Powers concerned that the strongest naval force in the Black Sea comprises: Battleships, battle-cruisers, aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, submarines, aircraft and units of other types which may exist. The Straits Commission will also immediately inform the Powers concerned when, owing to the passage into or out of the Black Sea of any ship of the strongest Black Sea force, any alteration in tha[sic] force has taken place.
The naval force that may be sent through the Straits into the Black Sea will be calculated on the number and type of the ships of war in active commission only.
(b) In Time of War, Turkey being Neutral.
Complete freedom of passage by day and by night under any flag, without any formalities, or tax, or charge whatever, under the same limitations as in paragraph 2 (a),
However, these limitations will not be applicable to any belligerent Power to the prejudice of its belligerent rights in the Black Sea.
The rights and duties of Turkey as a neutral Power cannot authorise her to take any measures liable to interfere with navigation through the Straits, the waters of which, and the air above which, must remain entirely free in time of war, Turkey being neutral, just as in time of peace.
Warships and military aircraft of belligerents will be forbidden to make any capture, to exercise the right of visit and search, or to carry out any other hostile act in the Straits
As regards revictualling and carrying out repairs, war vessels will be subject to the terms of the Thirteenth Hague Convention of 1907, dealing with maritime neutrality.
Military aircraft will receive in the Straits similar treatment to that accorded under the Thirteenth Hague Convention of 1907 to warships, pending the conclusion of an international Convention establishing the rules of neutrality for aircraft.
(c) In Time of War, Turkey being Belligerent.
Complete freedom of passage for neutral warships, without any formalities, or tax, or charge whatever, but under the same limitations as in paragraph 2 (a).
The measures taken by Turkey to prevent enemy ships and aircraft from using the Straits are not to be of such a nature as to prevent the free passage of neutral ships and aircraft, and Turkey agrees to provide the said ships and aircraft with either the necessary instructions or pilots for the above purpose.
Neutral military aircraft will make the passage of the Straits at their own risk and peril, and will submit to investigation as to their character. For this purpose aircraft are to alight on the ground or on the sea in such areas as are specified and prepared for this purpose by Turkey.
  1. (a) The passage of the Straits by submarines of Powers at peace with Turkey must be made on the surface.
(b) The officer in command of a foreign naval force, whether coming from the Mediterranean or the Black Sea, will communicate, without being compelled to stop, to a signal station at the entrance to the Dardanelles or the Bosphorus, the number and the names of vessels under his orders which are entering the Straits.
These signal stations shall be notified from time to time by Turkey; until such signal stations are notified, the freedom of passage for foreign war vessels in the Straits shall not thereby be prejudiced, nor shall their entry into the Straits be for this reason delayed.
(c) The right of military and non-military aircraft to fly over the Straits, under the conditions laid down in the present rules, necessitates for aircraft:
(i) Freedom to fly over a strip of territory of five kilometres on each side of the narrow parts of the Straits;
(ii) Liberty, in the event of a forced landing, to alight on the coast or on the sea in the territorial waters of Turkey.
  1. Limitation of Time of Transit for Warships. In no event shall warships in transit through the Straits, except in the event of damage or peril of the sea, remain therein beyond the time which is necessary for them to effect their passage, including the time of anchorage during the night if necessary for safety of navigation.
  2. Stay in the Ports of the Straits and of the Black Sea.
(a) Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this Annex apply to the passage of vessels, warships and aircraft through and over the Straits and do not affect the right of Turkey to make such regulations as she may consider necessary regarding the number of men-of-war and military aircraft of any one Power which may visit Turkish ports or aerodromes at one time, and the duration of their stay.
(b) Littoral Powers of the Black Sea will also have a similar right as regards their ports and aerodromes.
(c) The light-vessels which the Powers at present represented on the European Commission of the Danube maintain as stationnaires at the mouths of that river as far up as Galatz will be regarded as additional to the men-of-war referred to in paragraph 2, and may be replaced in case of need.
  1. Special Provisions relating to Sanitary Protection.
Warships which have on board cases of plague, cholera or typhus, or which have had such cases on board during the last seven days, and warships which have left an infected port within less than five times 24 hours must pass through the Straits in quarantine and apply by the means on board such prophylactic measures as are necessary to prevent any possibility of the Straits being infected.
The same rule shall apply to merchant ships having a doctor on board and passing straight through the Straits without calling at a port or breaking bulk.
Merchant ships not having a doctor on board shall be obliged to comply with the international sanitary regulations before entering the Straits, even if they are not to call at a port therein.
Warships and merchant vessels calling at one of the ports in the Straits shall be subject in that port to the international sanitary regulations applicable in the port in question.
Article 3
No blocking the straits
Article 4
The zones and islands indicated below shall be demilitarised:
Article 5
Article 6
On Turkey not arming the demilitarized zones
Article 7
No submarines in Marmara
Article 8
At Princes' Islands there may be maintained a garrison with a maximum strength of 1,000 men.
Article 9
On demilitarization
The other articles are not important
submitted by Yetkinler to SWWP [link] [comments]

bulgaria quarantine regulations video

Post-quarantine - Sofia - Bulgaria - 23 May 2020 - YouTube Latest regulation is in addition to existing quarantine ... Shopping Mall is Finally Open after Quarantine! - YouTube VARNA; Spring 2020 after quarantine, - YouTube What is General Community Quarantine  rules and regulations - YouTube YOU ARE NOT KLOKOV - YouTube The 10 Greatest Home Exercises of All Time! (HIT EVERY ... How To Deal With Quarantine - YouTube M 96kg A - 2019 Weightlifting World Championships - YouTube

Are there quarantine requirements? Yes, some travelers may have to quarantine for 10 days. Bulgaria has a list of exempted nationalities and professions. If you are on this list but are arriving from an unapproved country without a negative PCR test, you must quarantine. Everyone arriving in the UK will now have to take two coronavirus tests while quarantining. It's one of a growing number of rules aimed at stopping the spread of new, potentially more resistant ... Everyone entering Bulgaria, whether a Bulgarian or a foreigner, will continue to be subject to a 14-day mandatory quarantine. Bulgaria’s Health Minister Kiril Ananiev wants the temporary ban on foreigners entering Bulgaria, decreed as a measure against the spread of Covid-19, extended after the State of Emergency ends on May 13. All arrivals to Bulgaria without test results, will be required to self-quarantine for 10 days. Are COVID-19 tests required to travel to Bulgaria? Anyone entering Bulgaria will be required to present a negative PCR test, no older than 72 hours. Is public transportation open in Bulgaria? Public transportation in Bulgaria is operating. Bulgaria strictly enforces Bulgarian regulations for minors traveling internationally with only one parent or another adult. Bulgarian parental consent regulations apply to minor children who have Bulgarian citizenship, as well as dual citizen minor children entering and exiting Bulgaria on U.S. passports. Latest travel advice for Bulgaria, including how to stay safe during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and information on returning to the UK. From 2 February 2021, the 10 day quarantine on arrival, in lieu of a PCR test for people legally resident in Bulgaria, can be shortened if they present a negative PCR test performed within 24 ... Quarantine regulations . In Germany, the individual Länder are responsible for quarantine regulations. The Länder have put in place their own regulations on the basis of a specimen regulation.

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Post-quarantine - Sofia - Bulgaria - 23 May 2020 - YouTube

Our Shopping mall is open and we can go SHOPPING!!! Chase also creates a really cute piece of canvas art from Asha's drawing. ☆ Shop Our Clothing Boutique -... Varna is Blooming in during spring 2020, nice views of the Sea Garden and the Black Sea. Boulevard Vitosha and National Cultural Palace after the quarantine removal. The nice weather brought a lot of people out and about. There are some restricti... Latest regulation is in addition to existing quarantine rules that force passengers arriving in the UK to isolate for 10 days💖 Please Subscribe: https://... Idiosyncrasies in Elite Weightlifters - Why you shouldn't use elites as reasoning for your bad technique.Thanks as always to HookGrip 2019 IWF World Championships - Men 96kg Group A - Tuesday, 24 September 2019 - Pattaya (THA)Result Men 96kg1. TIAN Tao - CHN - A - (180 - 230) 4102. ELBAKH F... The 10 greatest home exercises you can do to build muscle at home and hit your entire body are laid out here on one comprehensive video. Some tough choices h... Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Submit your memes: Welcome to Daily Dose of Memes - a daily episode of excellent internet content edited for you... GENERAL COMMUNITY QUARANTINE GUIDELINES #GCQMeaning #duterteupdate #dutertelaslatestnews Congratulations Philippines GCQ is a form of quarantine with more re...

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