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Neverglades logs 4: Humans of the Neverglades

In todays log we will discuss the fluffy’s second most common killer. Humans.
But before we do that I would like to explain more of the fluffy’s biology.
The nutrition of the fluffy in the Neverglades is actually quite good. They are omnivores believe it or not. Meat does have some vital vitamins that they require to sustain good nutrition. However, they can have a full vegetarian diet and survive, however, their muscles and digestive system will not be up to par. Fluffy’s from the north tend to have lots of diarrhea, that is what happens if their only food source is just milk or just grass. Grass is low in fiber and nutrients compared to other vegetables so it is no wonder northern feral fluffy’s defecation is mostly liquid. In Florida, they can eat pond apples. A very bitter but still nutritious cousin of the apples we know and love. Fluffies don’t seem to mind the bitter taste, however, that is because they are feral. Pond apples were given to domestic fluffies and they rejected it. As ferals they will make the most out of any flavor. Other fruits they can eat are seagrapes, coconuts, and the thousands of orange, lime, and peach trees left over from the farms. Such trees are now spreading all throughout the Neverglades. As for meat, they have 2 main sources. Other fluffies, foals, and insects. They will munch on the countless grasshoppers, ants, beetles, and any other small arthropod. So I guess fluffies are above at least bugs in the food chain, however there are plenty of insects that can eat them if they have large numbers. With such a balanced diet, mares rarely have stillborns or defective foals! Also these Neverglade fluffy fecal matter is solid. Their rear ends still get covered in the stuff however…
The Neverglades have countless factions that scour the land. Keep in mind fluffies are biologically programmed to love humans unconditionally. Most feral fluffies have never seen a human and yet they still crave their love. Our drones have caught them murmuring to themselves that they want a “hooman huggies.” Humans are practically mythical gods to them at this point. When they do see one, they will become overjoyed and charge towards them asking for “huggies” and “gib upsies.” The human almost always kills them. After a few foul encounters with a human a fluffy will learn to fear us, unfortunately, they can’t seem to teach other fluffies that lesson.
In parenthesis is how their standings are with fluffies, from most friendly to least it goes
Researchers (Neutral): Us, we do not kill fluffies unless required for an experiment or if we are low on food supplies.
Rangers (Aggressive): These are the park Rangers, they are one half invasive species hunter, one half SWAT team. They will kill any python, boar, Nile crocodile, or iguana they come across. As for fluffies, they used to kill on sight, but the fluffy population always seemed to bounce back. They were spending countless dollars on ammo and trying to club a whole herd to death could take hours. And again, the fluffies always bounced back, always. They deemed it pointless unless using them for target practice. Also, they will kill them if bored.
(Video plays, it seems to be from a phone)
Filming Ranger: Duuuuddee got the ‘nade?
A herd off fluffies are running to them in the distance, feint “huggies” and “upsies” can be heard.
Other Ranger: Yeah dude! Fuckin’ watch. (Now Shouting) HEY FLUFFS, PLAY WITH BALL!
He pulls the pin to the grenade and throws it at the herd. The fluffies shout “yay baww! fank 'ou.” They played with the grenade for only a second before it went off, causing blood, shit, fur, and dead foals to coat the surrounding land. The explosion was followed by the roaring laughter of the Rangers.
(Video Ends)
Armed with assault rifles and large artillery, the Rangers are also in the Neverglades to stop the Cuban Cartels, Brofluff Cultists, Anarchists, malfunctioning robots, and any other nefarious activity in the Neverglades.
[Redacted] Man (Extremely hostile, even to [Redacted]!): [Redacted] Man is [Redacted], im*e#sely da^ng3r&s [Red4c1ed] d0 4OT A9pr0c#-----
Squatters (Hostile): Not everyone took kindly to evacuate all land south of Lake Okeechobee order. Many demanded to say, and the governor obliged, however, he warned them that there would be no police force or fire fighters to protect them, or corporations to supply jobs. Over the years many Squatters moved back to the inhabited parts of Florida such as the pan handle after life got too rough. Not only that, many Squatters have been killed by the Cartels, Anarchists, and even panthers and black bears. The Fort of Fort Myers was completely destroyed by [Redacted] Man. Which used to be the largest Squatter stronghold. Now they are sparse and no longer live in large communities, instead they live more of a hermit life. Fluffies are their main source of meat. They will hunt them; such a task is easily done with fluffies prancing to them. But they will also construct traps. The most effective is a Comfortfluffy. Think of it like a scarecrow but opposite. It is human effigy that it is made to attract Fluffies. As they approach the comfortfluffy, the fluffies will try to hug it. At the base of the comfortfluffy is a large mouse trap device hidden under pine needles. Such a device can kill 5 fluffies in 1 activation.
(Video starts)
A Comfortfluffy is erected in the backyard of an isolated house in a grassland. Around the Comfortfluffy is tan palmfrawns that hide the killing mechanism. There is even a small radio hidden in the chest of the Comfortfluffy playing songs one would hear on Fluffy TV.
A small pack of 5 adult fluffies with 2 mares with foals on their backs happily waddle towards the comfortfluffy shouting “huggies!” They begin to nudge the pants of the comfortfluffy and although metal creaking sounds could be heard, the trap does not activate. Then one of the fluffies begins to jump while singing “upsies!” The jump was just the pressure needed to activate the trap. A rusty screech is heard as the trap activates and 4 mouse trap-like bars swing down around the comfortfluffy. The cheers of the fluffies turn to a quick shriek, a loud crack, followed by some meek crying. 3 of the fluffies died on impact, their scull or chest cavity popped like a pimple. The 2 that survived had their hind ends crushed and their entrails shot out their rear. “Big owwies!!!” They meekly cried as the life in them slowly drained. The Foals that got hit by the bars were completely obliterated. The ones that were not hit were completely unscathed, however, they began to cry about everyone taking the “foweba sweepies.” As shadow then looms over them.
“Sandra! Were havin’ foal stew tonight!”
(Video ends)
Cuban Cartels (Hostile): Even after the legalization of marijuana the Cartels did not slow down. They are still quite in business thanks to the ever-growing demand for cocaine, heroin, and opium. The Cartels will make landfall in the Neverglades if the make it past the heavily patrolled Keys Atolls. They even have some bases the Rangers can’t take out unless they get military assistance. The Cartels will actively lure fluffies into their bases. They will put signs featuring happy looking humans with arrows pointing at the base. The fluffies will gladly follow the signs. Once lured into the base the Cartel henchmen will slaughter them for food.
Anarchists (Loving to Hostile): True to the definition of their namesake, they have no set rules or governance, and most anarchist groups have no relation to one another. You’ll have the ones who come to the Neverglades to abuse its low surveillance to torture and murder Squatters, other anarchists, and any other poor human that gets in their way. They will of course have their way with any and all fluffies. Then you’ll have the more hippie kind who just want to have a nice little commune away from corporations. These are usually very loving to the fluffies, most wont even hunt them with the amount of vegans they have. However, these communes don’t last long due to attacks from the Cartels, other anarchists, [Redacted] Man, and even large animal attacks. We’ve even witnessed a massive pack of coyotes kill an entire commune.
Brofluff Cult (Loving): This all male cult worships some sort of female equine pantheon. Part of their religion is to be subservient to all fluffies. They will come to the Neverglades and build small fluffly sized homes. They will cook countless spaghetti for the fluffies. They will protect the fluffies, even going as far as killing any human who dare hurts a fluffy. However, do note they will… mate… with a mare they call their “fluffu.” They will also breed fluffies in hopes of reincarnating the “Daughters of the Goddesses.” The Rangers will keep a close eye on them, if they make any aggressive move towards other humans the Rangers will rout them.
Pirates (Hostile): Basically anarchists that patrol the seas. They will commonly go ashore to restock on fluffies unless the find a drifting boat full of fluffies.
Fathers of Freeport (Hostile): Please remember, when I write “hostile” I only mean to fluffies, these men are actually very kind. The name of their faction was dubbed by me, they are simply Bahaman refugees searching for food. After sea level rise the Bahaman government disbanded, taking the upper class with them to live in Florida’s panhandle. The rest of the civilians were left to fend for themselves. Food is now critically short over in the Bahamas. What little land is left can’t grow food and the coral reefs have been overfished to depletion. However, some savvy fisherman have learned about the fluffy situation in Florida. They sail over to the east coast and collect a hulls worth of fluffies to take back to the remnants of their starving country. This particular group I was monitoring always stocks up at an atoll building at Hallandale Reef. This building is completely surrounded by water and somehow stuffed to the gills with fluffies on all dry floors. I was even able to intercept and question the captain of the fishing boat.
(Start of transcript)
Researcher: So what brought you to Hallandale Reef?
Captain: The reefs ova’ by Miami have too many pirates scoutin’ the seas. But here it is close enough to Seminole Territory dat da pirates shy away.
Researcher: Has the Seminoles have any qualms with you?
Captain: Nah, dey know we mean no harm. We take only the fluffy ones. Dey seem to not care fo’ them.
Researcher: Are you afraid this building will run out of fluffies?
Captain: (Laughs) No, no, no. Dees tings have many many babs’. If anyting we be doing them a favor and stoppin’ them from ending up like our own home.
Researcher: Have any of your men gotten hurt trying to farm these fluffies?
Captain: Yes, a greenhorn died. The floors of dis building be covered in shit. Poor greenhorn slipped and fell down stairs.
Researcher: I see, have you encountered [Redacted] Man?
Captain: Oh no lord Jesus, nonono! We be going now, good day!
Researcher: But…
Captain: Our hulls are full, and you reminded me of why our people can’t immigrate here, goodbye! And may lord Jesus protect your soul, science man who pokes tings dat need not be pokin’!
(End of Transcript)
Seminole Tribe (Neutral): A very powerful faction on par with the Rangers when it comes to control in the Neverglades. With the rising waters the Seminoles have lost lots of their ancestral lands and the USA did not grant them any more territory. However, they adapted. Their crowing hotel, the Hard Rock Hotel was a casino and hotel that is shaped like a giant guitar. Now that it is surrounded by water, they modified it to work also as a yacht club and dock. They even built an underwater hotel near it. People from all over the world fly in to West Palm Beach to take a cruise to their establishment. They also rule the area with an iron fist, killing any pirates, cultists, Cartel, or any other undesirables that try to make a footing in their territory. To fluffies, they are indifferent. See them as nothing more as a pest. They will kill any feral fluffy that is found in the halls of their hotels. But for any fluffy roaming the marshes of their territory, they know culling won’t really solve anything, so they let nature take its course. They also breed fluffies for desirable colors and will even have Fluffy Shows where breeders exhibit their fluffy show-pony.
Fighters For Florida (Or the FFF) (Neutral to Hostile): With the right permits and go aheads from government bodies, civilians can enter the Neverglades. The FFF is a hunting force of civilians that is organized to hunt invasive species such as pythons, Nile crocs, and any other invasive threat. However, ones hunting for pythons and such do not target fluffies because they know it will make no difference and their reserve ammo is better spent fighting any human threat that tries to harm them. That being said, some… questionably moraled FFF hunters that call themselves “abusers” come to the Neverglades to only torture fluffies to death. Since fluffies are labeled as invasive animals “to be removed by any means necessary” the abusers are 100% in legal right to… “hunt” fluffies in any way they want.
That about covers the humans of the Neverglades. Now we shall talk about native fluffavores, aka native animals that can eat adult fluffies.
The Black Bear: This animal is an omnivore in which 80% of their diet was vegetation. Not anymore, now their primary food source is fluffies. Because they are easier to hunt then to forage for fruits. If a heard of Fluffies spots one, they will usually shout and panic and try to quickly waddle away. The Black Bear will make chase and usually eat the one that trips, or it will swipe at the slowest one and kill it. Black Bears can even take out a nest by themselves. Even if the fluffies try to hide in a burrow the bears can dig down to them, but they usually go after easier fluffy prey. Black Bears in human ruins have learned that pushing open doors or breaking into boxes, cars, trash cans, and other containers have a good chance of revealing a hiding fluffy. Also note, fluffies also tend to think ALL land animals fear the water like them and will rush into shallow water to escape the black bear. They will then tease the bear, until the bear effortlessly charges into the water and kills them.
Panthers: We have talked about the general hunting habits of the panther in log 1, however I’d like to add on the habits of an alpha male panther. Alphas will patrol a large territory and basically kill any animal it does not want in its territory including other male panthers. One alpha has been documented killing 125 fluffies in a mega herd. It only ate 2.
Florida Gar: This fish can grow up to 3 meters in length. It used to be a very rare sight this far south in Florida after overfishing from humans. Now, they have made ma huge comeback thanks to the Neverglades low human population and fluffies as a food source. Unlike smaller gar or bass, these fish can eat an adult fluffy. They will glide into the shallows and scoop up a fluffy wading through the water and then use its serpentine body to slither back into the depth all while the fluffy begs to be let go. If the initial bite does not kill it that is.
Raptors: Hawks, Eagles, Osprey, Falcons and any large bird that hunts with talons. The red shouldered hawk is very common predator of the skies. “Wingie munstah” as they are called by fluffies are common throughout all habitats and thus Raptors have the largest kill count of fluffies if you don’t count humans. Our camera drones must always use its cloaking device not only to not spook the fluffies, but to hide from raptors.
(Video starts)
A Red Shouldered Hawk sits on a tall cypress branch as it spots a herd of fluffies waddling into the dried cypress dome. “Fluffy so thiwsty… need some wawas…” They then come across a puddle and joyously begin to drink. That is when the hawk makes its move. It glides down under the branches and before the fluffies can even cry out in warning. The hawk snatches up a small adult fluffy, as it flies the fluffy shits on everything below. The hawk waits for it to stop shitting and carries him up to a branch. All fluffies scatter in fear but one, the victim fluffies mate and her foals. “Wingie munstah! Pwease gib speshuw fwend back!” The foals also cry for their mother’s mate. The hawk then lands on a branch and holds the fluffy down with one talon that has dug into his flesh. The hawk begins to peck at the fluffy’s side and the fluffy begins to cry out “biggest owwies!” The hawk rips out the fluffy’s liver, then a kidney, then more chunks of flesh until the fluffy dies of organ failure. Stated, the hawk then pushes the fluffy off the branch. Its corpse hits multiple branches on the way down until it lands and the mare and her foals begin to cry at his corpse. The mare then is snatched up by a bald eagle and the cycle repeats.
The video then shows a clip of two ospreys fighting over a filly midair. It should be noted that not all Raptors kill fluffies by consumption, sometimes they simply drop them. The osprey continue to fight until they drop the filly into the brackish water below. She screams and shouts until she drowns and disappears under the tea-like waters of the estuary.
The video then shows a clip of a bald eagle migrating high in the air. The fluffy it is carrying then shits so hard it startles the eagle and it drops it. The video zooms in as the fluffy splats on the abandoned parking lot below.
(Video ends)
Alligators: These ancient predators are a fluffy’s worst nightmare because it is a “wawa munsta” that can exit the water and kill them. It is immensely rare for an alligator to hunt on land. They are almost entirely ambush predators, laying low in the water, hidden until a land animal needs to take a drink so it can immediately bite the prey’s head and pull it into the water. Such a perfect strategy is why alligators have been relatively unchanged since the time of dinosaurs. Such a strategy is perfect to eat fluffies, to no surprise. However, why wait? Alligators will leave the water, charge at a herd and scoop up one that did not run away in time. If they see trapped fluffies, they can devour multiple.
(Video starts)
There is a large abandoned Olympic sized swimming pool that has essentially turned into a marsh. Ten fluffies have entered the pool on the shallow end where sediment pile up from draining rainwater has made a ramp. They waddle to the diving well of the pool which has become a small pond within itself. The fluffies begin to drink from the pondwater and a massive alligator from the kiddie pool scurries into the pool marsh. The fluffies finally see her but it is too late. The walls of the pool got them trapped and the alligator blocks the only way out. The alligator slowly gets them to back up into the corner of the pool as they meekly cry and whine and shit. She lunges forward and bites one, then a second, then another! She shallows 3 fluffies down as they scream and defecate. The rest of the herd use this time to escape. However, more alligators enter the marsh pool as their cries altered the whole waterpark.
A new video clip starts to show off how some mares will sacrifice foals to save themselves.
A mare is cornered in a sewer as a 50cm juvenile alligator hisses and harasses the mare. The foal on her back shouts “Mummah! make wawa munsta go 'way!” She lets out a sad cry “Am sowwy bestes' babbeh.” And drops the foal on the ground, the alligator scoops it up as the mare escapes.
(Video ends)
Seagulls: Alone they can eat a foal, but a flock can peck a lone adult to death and eat small chunks of them.
Those are all the native fluffavores we have for today. Next log we will talk about defective robots that are scattered throughout the Neverglades. And how their glitched programming makes them a threat to fluffies… unless their programming was to kill them in the first place. Then they are not glitched.
submitted by Squilzore to fluffycommunity [link] [comments]

By combining the average scores from IMDb, Letterboxd, Rotten Tomatoes & Metacritic, and then fine-tuning the results with data from Letterboxd, iCheckMovies, TSPDT?, TMDb and IMDb, I was able to come up with the 1001 'GREATEST' MOVIES OF ALL TIME.

In 2015, I created a list titled, “Top10ner’s 1001 'Greatest' Movies of All Time” and many of you seemed to enjoy it and still use it today so I thought it was about time that I updated it..
The original 2015 thread can be found here as well as the initial update for those curious about the algorithm.
Basically I started off by gathering ratings from IMDB (UseCritic Average), Rotten Tomatoes (Tomatometer, Critic Average) & (Audience Score, User Average), Metacritic (Critic Average, User Average) and Letterboxd (User Average). Each site’s average rating was then weighted so that no site’s ratings were favoured above the rest. The next step was to make sure that each film was treated equally. Rather than eliminating films that had little votes, I opted to alter these films score by carefully deducting points depending on how many people have seen it, and therefore voted on it.
I then finally put the list through a final adjustment, where I applied aspects such as critical reception (# of official lists movie is in), audience reception and overall likability/popularity. These figures were determined using sources such as iCheckmovies, Letterboxd and TSPDT?.
I've created the following lists for both Letterboxd and iCheckMovies, as well as a Google spreadsheet where you can check out the full list and search for particular films easier.
Letterboxd - 2020 Edition: Top10ner’s 1001 ‘Greatest’ Movies of All Time
IMDb - 2020 Edition: Top10ner’s 1001 ‘Greatest’ Movies of All Time
iCheckMovies - 2020 Edition: Top10ner’s 1001 ‘Greatest’ Movies of All Time
Google Spreadsheet - 2020 Edition: Top10ner’s 1001 ‘Greatest’ Movies of All Time
ANYWAY, here is the 1001 ‘Greatest’ Movies of All Time. Enjoy! (NOTE: Could only include the first 750 movies due character limit)
1 The Godfather 1972 Francis Ford Coppola
2 The Godfather: Part II 1974 Francis Ford Coppola
3 Seven Samurai 1954 Akira Kurosawa
4 Pulp Fiction 1994 Quentin Tarantino
5 12 Angry Men 1957 Sidney Lumet
6 Spirited Away 2001 Hayao Miyazaki
7 Schindler's List 1993 Steven Spielberg
8 Casablanca 1942 Michael Curtiz
9 Psycho 1960 Alfred Hitchcock
10 Goodfellas 1990 Martin Scorsese
11 Lawrence of Arabia 1962 David Lean
12 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 1966 Sergio Leone
13 Singin' in the Rain 1952 Stanley Donen & Gene Kelly
14 City Lights 1931 Charlie Chaplin
15 Sunset Boulevard 1950 Billy Wilder
16 Apocalypse Now 1979 Francis Ford Coppola
17 The Shawshank Redemption 1994 Frank Darabont
18 Rear Window 1954 Alfred Hitchcock
19 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 1980 Irvin Kershner
20 2001: A Space Odyssey 1968 Stanley Kubrick
21 Citizen Kane 1941 Orson Welles
22 M 1931 Fritz Lang
23 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 1975 Miloš Forman
24 Vertigo 1958 Alfred Hitchcock
25 The Dark Knight 2008 Christopher Nolan
26 The Silence of the Lambs 1991 Jonathan Demme
27 Modern Times 1936 Charles Chaplin
28 Star Wars - A New Hope 1977 George Lucas
29 Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb 1964 Stanley Kubrick
30 Come and See 1985 Elem Klimov
31 Bicycle Thieves 1948 Vittorio De Sica
32 Tokyo Story 1953 Yasujirō Ozu
33 It's a Wonderful Life 1946 Frank Capra
34 Rashomon 1950 Akira Kurosawa
35 Once Upon a Time in the West 1968 Sergio Leone
36 Taxi Driver 1976 Martin Scorsese
37 Ikiru 1952 Akira Kurosawa
38 Metropolis 1927 Fritz Lang
39 The Passion of Joan of Arc 1928 Carl Theodor Dreyer
40 Alien 1979 Ridley Scott
41 The Third Man 1949 Carol Reed
42 All About Eve 1950 Joseph L. Mankiewicz
43 Fanny and Alexander 1982 Ingmar Bergman
44 Chinatown 1974 Roman Polanski
45 City of God 2002 Fernando Meirelles & Kátia Lund
46 Double Indemnity 1944 Billy Wilder
47 Paths of Glory 1957 Stanley Kubrick
48 Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981 Steven Spielberg
49 Andrei Rublev 1966 Andrei Tarkovsky
50 The Apartment 1960 Billy Wilder
51 Harakiri 1962 Masaki Kobayashi
52 Parasite 2019 Bong Joon-ho
53 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 2001 Peter Jackson
54 The 400 Blows 1959 François Truffaut
55 Stalker 1979 Andrei Tarkovsky
56 Some Like It Hot 1959 Billy Wilder
57 Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans 1927 F.W. Murnau
58 Pan's Labyrinth 2006 Guillermo del Toro
59 Ran 1985 Akira Kurosawa
60 Sherlock, Jr. 1924 Buster Keaton
61 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 2003 Peter Jackson
62 The Night of the Hunter 1955 Charles Laughton
63 A Separation 2011 Asghar Farhadi
64 Grave of the Fireflies 1988 Isao Takahata
65 North by Northwest 1959 Alfred Hitchcock
66 Persona 1966 Ingmar Bergman
67 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 2004 Michel Gondry
68 Back to the Future 1985 Robert Zemeckis
69 The Battle of Algiers 1966 Gillo Pontecorvo
70 Toy Story 1995 John Lasseter
71 Raging Bull 1980 Martin Scorsese
72 8½ (Eight and a Half) 1963 Federico Fellini
73 Saving Private Ryan 1998 Steven Spielberg
74 On the Waterfront 1954 Elia Kazan
75 The Shining 1980 Stanley Kubrick
76 Three Colors: Red 1994 Krzysztof Kieślowski
77 The Great Dictator 1940 Charles Chaplin
78 The Wizard of Oz 1939 Victor Fleming, George Cukor, Mervyn…
79 The Wages of Fear 1953 Henri-Georges Clouzot
80 In the Mood for Love 2000 Wong Kar-wai
81 Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 2018 Rodney Rothman, Peter Ramsey…
82 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre 1948 John Huston
83 The Seventh Seal 1957 Ingmar Bergman
84 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 2002 Peter Jackson
85 The Red Shoes 1948 Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger
86 The General 1926 Clyde Bruckman & Buster Keaton
87 The Gold Rush 1925 Charles Chaplin
88 Touch of Evil 1958 Orson Welles
89 WALL-E 2008 Andrew Stanton
90 Aliens 1986 James Cameron
91 Wild Strawberries 1957 Ingmar Bergman
92 Paris Texas 1984 Wim Wenders
93 A Clockwork Orange 1971 Stanley Kubrick
94 La Grande Illusion 1937 Jean Renoir
95 There Will Be Blood 2007 Paul Thomas Anderson
96 Amadeus 1984 Miloš Forman
97 Annie Hall 1977 Woody Allen
98 Whiplash 2014 Damien Chazelle
99 Pather Panchali 1955 Satyajit Ray
100 Cinema Paradiso 1988 Giuseppe Tornatore
101 It Happened One Night 1934 Frank Capra
102 The Bridge on the River Kwai 1957 David Lean
103 The Lives of Others 2006 Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck
104 Terminator 2: Judgment Day 1991 James Cameron
105 Blade Runner 1982 Ridley Scott
106 Yojimbo 1961 Akira Kurosawa
107 Ugetsu 1953 Kenji Mizoguchi
108 Reservoir Dogs 1992 Quentin Tarantino
109 Memento 2000 Christopher Nolan
110 Princess Mononoke 1997 Hayao Miyazaki
111 Mad Max: Fury Road 2015 George Miller
112 The Pianist 2002 Roman Polanski
113 Wings of Desire 1987 Wim Wenders
114 The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari 1920 Robert Wiene
115 The Best Years of Our Lives 1946 William Wyler
116 Inception 2010 Christopher Nolan
117 Monty Python and the Holy Grail 1975 Terry Gilliam & Terry Jones
118 Fargo 1996 Joel & Ethan Coen
119 La Dolce Vita 1960 Federico Fellini
120 Oldboy 2003 Chan-wook Park
121 Nights of Cabiria 1957 Federico Fellini
122 Toy Story 3 2010 Lee Unkrich
123 Children of Paradise 1945 Marcel Carné
124 Gone with the Wind 1939 Victor Fleming,George Cukor...
125 Jaws 1975 Steven Spielberg
126 Das Boot 1981 Wolfgang Petersen
127 High and Low 1963 Akira Kurosawa
128 The Mirror 1975 Andrei Tarkovsky
129 L.A. Confidential 1997 Curtis Hanson
130 Unforgiven 1992 Clint Eastwood
131 Amelie 2001 Jean-Pierre Jeunet
132 My Neighbor Totoro 1988 Hayao Miyazaki
133 Barry Lyndon 1975 Stanley Kubrick
134 Le Samouraï 1967 Jean-Pierre Melville
135 Ordet 1955 Carl Theodor Dreyer
136 To Be or Not to Be 1942 Ernst Lubitsch
137 No Country for Old Men 2007 Joel & Ethan Coen
138 Solaris 1972 Andrei Tarkovsky
139 Coco 2017 Lee Unkrich
140 Your Name. 2016 Makoto Shinkai
141 Fight Club 1999 David Fincher
142 The Maltese Falcon 1941 John Huston
143 The Kid 1921 Charles Chaplin
144 Woman in the Dunes 1964 Hiroshi Teshigahara
145 Se7en 1995 David Fincher
146 Do the Right Thing 1989 Spike Lee
147 The Rules of the Game 1939 Jean Renoir
148 Aguirre: The Wrath of God 1972 Werner Herzog
149 The Grapes of Wrath 1940 John Ford
150 La Haine 1995 Mathieu Kassovitz
151 Once Upon a Time in America 1984 Sergio Leone
152 Throne of Blood 1957 Akira Kurosawa
153 Notorious 1946 Alfred Hitchcock
154 Badlands 1973 Terrence Malick
155 A Man Escaped 1956 Robert Bresson
156 Cool Hand Luke 1967 Stuart Rosenberg
157 Rosemary's Baby 1968 Roman Polanski
158 Before Sunrise 1995 Richard Linklater
159 The Lion King 1994 Roger Allers & Rob Minkoff
160 Before Sunset 2004 Richard Linklater
161 Rebecca 1940 Alfred Hitchcock
162 La strada 1954 Federico Fellini
163 Duck Soup 1933 Leo McCarey
164 The Deer Hunter 1978 Michael Cimino
165 Sansho the Bailiff 1954 Kenji Mizoguchi
166 The Philadelphia Story 1940 George Cukor
167 The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance 1962 John Ford
168 Die Hard 1988 John McTiernan
169 Brazil 1985 Terry Gilliam
170 Sweet Smell of Success 1957 Alexander Mackendrick
171 The Departed 2006 Martin Scorsese
172 Three Colors: Blue 1993 Krzysztof Kieślowski
173 The Last Picture Show 1971 Peter Bogdanovich
174 Rome, Open City 1945 Roberto Rossellini
175 Up 2009 Pete Docter & Bob Peterson
176 The Princess Bride 1987 Rob Reiner
177 Breathless 1960 Jean-Luc Godard
178 Dog Day Afternoon 1975 Sidney Lumet
179 Kind Hearts and Coronets 1949 Robert Hamer
180 To Kill a Mockingbird 1962 Robert Mulligan
181 Chungking Express 1994 Wong Kar-wai
182 The Conversation 1974 Francis Ford Coppola
183 Rio Bravo 1959 Howard Hawks
184 Full Metal Jacket 1987 Stanley Kubrick
185 The Handmaiden 2016 Chan-wook Park
186 A Matter of Life and Death 1946 Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger
187 A Woman Under the Influence 1974 John Cassavetes
188 All the President's Men 1976 Alan J. Pakula
189 Portrait of a Lady on Fire 2019 Céline Sciamma
190 The Matrix 1999 Lilly & Lana Wachowski
191 12 Years a Slave 2013 Steve McQueen
192 Brief Encounter 1945 David Lean
193 Shoplifters 2018 Hirokazu Kore-eda
194 American Beauty 1999 Sam Mendes
195 His Girl Friday 1940 Howard Hawks
196 The Usual Suspects 1995 Bryan Singer
197 The Graduate 1967 Mike Nichols
198 Jurassic Park 1993 Steven Spielberg
199 Memories of Murder 2003 Bong Joon-ho
200 King Kong 1933 Merian C. Cooper & Ernest B. Schoedsack
201 Inside Out 2015 Pete Docter
202 Yi yi 2000 Edward Yang
203 Raise the Red Lantern 1991 Zhang Yimou
204 Rififi 1955 Jules Dassin
205 Blue Velvet 1986 David Lynch
206 Army of Shadows 1969 Jean-Pierre Melville
207 This Is Spinal Tap 1984 Rob Reiner
208 The Wild Bunch 1969 Sam Peckinpah
209 Witness for the Prosecution 1957 Billy Wilder
210 Battleship Potemkin 1925 Sergei M. Eisenstein
211 Strangers on a Train 1951 Alfred Hitchcock
212 The Searchers 1956 John Ford
213 The Big Lebowski 1998 Joel & Ethan Coen
214 Nosferatu 1922 F.W. Murnau
215 Network 1976 Sidney Lumet
216 The Hustler 1961 Robert Rossen
217 The Exterminating Angel 1962 Luis Buñuel
218 Days of Heaven 1978 Terrence Malick
219 Finding Nemo 2003 Andrew Stanton & Lee Unkrich
220 Heat 1995 Michael Mann
221 The Great Escape 1963 John Sturges
222 A Streetcar Named Desire 1951 Elia Kazan
223 Diabolique 1955 Henri-Georges Clouzot
224 The Sting 1973 George Roy Hill
225 Night of the Living Dead 1968 George A. Romero
226 The Thing 1982 John Carpenter
227 Mulholland Drive 2001 David Lynch
228 The Conformist 1970 Bernardo Bertolucci
229 The Grand Budapest Hotel 2014 Wes Anderson
230 A Brighter Summer Day 1991 Edward Yang
231 Monty Python's Life of Brian 1979 Terry Jones
232 Umberto D. 1952 Vittorio De Sica
233 Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 1966 Mike Nichols
234 Stagecoach 1939 John Ford
235 Beauty and the Beast 1991 Gary Trousdale & Kirk Wise
236 The Big Sleep 1946 Howard Hawks
237 Inglourious Basterds 2009 Quentin Tarantino
238 Viridiana 1961 Luis Buñuel
239 Incendies 2010 Denis Villeneuve
240 The Terminator 1984 James Cameron
241 Bride of Frankenstein 1935 James Whale
242 Sullivan's Travels 1941 Preston Sturges
243 Playtime 1967 Jacques Tati
244 Ivan's Childhood 1962 Andrei Tarkovsky
245 Life Is Beautiful 1997 Roberto Benigni
246 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 1969 George Roy Hill
247 Manhattan 1979 Woody Allen
248 Trainspotting 1996 Danny Boyle
249 All Quiet on the Western Front 1930 Lewis Milestone
250 The Young and the Damned 1950 Luis Buñuel
251 The Elephant Man 1980 David Lynch
252 All About My Mother 1999 Pedro Almodóvar
253 Le Trou 1960 Jacques Becker
254 The Leopard 1963 Luchino Visconti
255 Laura 1944 Otto Preminger
256 Shadow of a Doubt 1943 Alfred Hitchcock
257 Mr. Smith Goes to Washington 1939 Frank Capra
258 Hiroshima Mon Amour 1959 Alain Resnais
259 Bringing Up Baby 1938 Howard Hawks
260 Out of the Past 1947 Jacques Tourneur
261 Anatomy of a Murder 1959 Otto Preminger
262 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 2000 Ang Lee
263 L'avventura 1960 Michelangelo Antonioni
264 Beauty and the Beast 1946 Jean Cocteau
265 The Hunt 2012 Thomas Vinterberg
266 Forrest Gump 1994 Robert Zemeckis
267 Ace in the Hole 1951 Billy Wilder
268 Late Spring 1949 Yasujirō Ozu
269 The Celebration 1998 Thomas Vinterberg
270 Au Revoir Les Enfants 1987 Louis Malle
271 Spotlight 2015 Tom McCarthy
272 Roman Holiday 1953 William Wyler
273 Amour 2012 Michael Haneke
274 Ali: Fear Eats the Soul 1974 Rainer Werner Fassbinder
275 Paddington 2 2017 Paul King
276 The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp 1943 Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger
277 The French Connection 1971 William Friedkin
278 The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie 1972 Luis Buñuel
279 High Noon 1952 Fred Zinnemann
280 Akira 1988 Katsuhiro Otomo
281 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days 2007 Cristian Mungiu
282 Ben-Hur 1959 William Wyler
283 Let the Right One In 2008 Tomas Alfredson
284 Nashville 1975 Robert Altman
285 Room 2015 Lenny Abrahamson
286 The Adventures of Robin Hood 1938 Michael Curtiz & William Keighley
287 Jules and Jim 1962 François Truffaut
288 Good Will Hunting 1997 Gus Van Sant
289 Young Frankenstein 1974 Mel Brooks
290 White Heat 1949 Raoul Walsh
291 Short Term 12 2013 Destin Cretton
292 The Killing 1956 Stanley Kubrick
293 In a Lonely Place 1950 Nicholas Ray
294 Frankenstein 1931 James Whale
295 Secrets & Lies 1996 Mike Leigh
296 Django Unchained 2012 Quentin Tarantino
297 Call Me by Your Name 2017 Luca Guadagnino
298 Magnolia 1999 Paul Thomas Anderson
299 Being There 1979 Hal Ashby
300 The Manchurian Candidate 1962 John Frankenheimer
301 Paper Moon 1973 Peter Bogdanovich
302 The Shop Around the Corner 1940 Ernst Lubitsch
303 Halloween 1978 John Carpenter
304 The World of Apu 1959 Satyajit Ray
305 Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring 2003 Kim Ki-duk
306 L'Atalante 1934 Jean Vigo
307 The Iron Giant 1999 Brad Bird
308 The Exorcist 1973 William Friedkin
309 Amores Perros 2000 Alejandro González Iñárritu
310 Central Station 1998 Walter Salles
311 Bonnie and Clyde 1967 Arthur Penn
312 Persepolis 2007 Vincent Paronnaud & Marjane Satrapi
313 The Best of Youth 2003 Marco Tullio Giordana
314 The Spirit of the Beehive 1973 Víctor Erice
315 Z 1969 Costa-Gavras
316 Underground 1995 Emir Kusturica
317 The Killer 1989 John Woo
318 Kes 1969 Ken Loach
319 Moonlight 2016 Barry Jenkins
320 Howl's Moving Castle 2004 Hayao Miyazaki
321 Her 2013 Spike Jonze
322 Requiem for a Dream 2000 Darren Aronofsky
323 The Truman Show 1998 Peter Weir
324 The Incredibles 2004 Brad Bird
325 Cries and Whispers 1972 Ingmar Bergman
326 Stand by Me 1986 Rob Reiner
327 Before Midnight 2013 Richard Linklater
328 Groundhog Day 1993 Harold Ramis
329 Little Women 2019 Greta Gerwig
330 The Social Network 2010 David Fincher
331 The Right Stuff 1983 Philip Kaufman
332 Get Out 2017 Jordan Peele
333 It's Such a Beautiful Day 2012 Don Hertzfeldt
334 Boogie Nights 1997 Paul Thomas Anderson
335 Fantasia 1940 Samuel Armstrong, James Algar...
336 Black Narcissus 1947 Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger
337 Midnight Cowboy 1969 John Schlesinger
338 Children of Men 2006 Alfonso Cuarón
339 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial 1982 Steven Spielberg
340 Toy Story 2 1999 John Lasseter
341 Leon: The Professional 1994 Luc Besson
342 Cabaret 1972 Bob Fosse
343 The Diving Bell and the Butterfly 2007 Julian Schnabel
344 Ratatouille 2007 Brad Bird
345 The Cranes Are Flying 1957 Mikhail Kalatozov
346 Day for Night 1973 François Truffaut
347 Withnail & I 1987 Bruce Robinson
348 Safety Last! 1923 Fred C. Newmeyer & Sam Taylor
349 The Umbrellas of Cherbourg 1964 Jacques Demy
350 Shaun of the Dead 2004 Edgar Wright
351 Song of the Sea 2014 Tomm Moore
352 Scarface 1983 Brian De Palma
353 Harold and Maude 1971 Hal Ashby
354 Platoon 1986 Oliver Stone
355 The Nightmare Before Christmas 1993 Henry Selick
356 Close Encounters of the Third Kind 1977 Steven Spielberg
357 Talk to Her 2002 Pedro Almodóvar
358 Wild Tales 2014 Damián Szifrón
359 Close-Up 1990 Abbas Kiarostami
360 Time of the Gypsies 1988 Emir Kusturica
361 Mary and Max 2009 Adam Elliot
362 The Return 2003 Andrey Zvyagintsev
363 Logan 2017 James Mangold
364 For a Few Dollars More 1965 Sergio Leone
365 A Prophet 2009 Jacques Audiard
366 La La Land 2016 Damien Chazelle
367 The Sound of Music 1965 Robert Wise
368 The King of Comedy 1982 Martin Scorsese
369 The Big Heat 1953 Fritz Lang
370 In the Heat of the Night 1967 Norman Jewison
371 Amarcord 1973 Federico Fellini
372 A Night at the Opera 1935 Sam Wood
373 Repulsion 1965 Roman Polanski
374 Freaks 1932 Tod Browning
375 Au Hasard Balthazar 1966 Robert Bresson
376 Downfall 2004 Oliver Hirschbiegel
377 Lost in Translation 2003 Sofia Coppola
378 Belle de Jour 1967 Luis Buñuel
379 What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? 1962 Robert Aldrich
380 The Circus 1928 Charles Chaplin
381 How to Train Your Dragon 2010 Chris Sanders & Dean DeBlois
382 Crimes and Misdemeanors 1989 Woody Allen
383 Breaking the Waves 1996 Lars von Trier
384 Brokeback Mountain 2005 Ang Lee
385 Steamboat Bill, Jr. 1928 Buster Keaton & Charles Reisner
386 Werckmeister Harmonies 2000 Béla Tarr & Ágnes Hranitzky
387 Greed 1924 Erich von Stroheim
388 Roma 2018 Alfonso Cuarón
389 Make Way for Tomorrow 1937 Leo McCarey
390 The Lady Eve 1941 Preston Sturges
391 The Straight Story 1999 David Lynch
392 Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion 1997 Kazuya Tsurumaki & Hideaki Anno
393 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 1989 Steven Spielberg
394 Peeping Tom 1960 Michael Powell
395 The Secret in Their Eyes 2009 Juan José Campanella
396 Cleo from 5 to 7 1962 Agnès Varda
397 Aladdin 1992 Ron Clements & John Musker
398 Rocco and His Brothers 1960 Luchino Visconti
399 Hannah and Her Sisters 1986 Woody Allen
400 My Darling Clementine 1946 John Ford
401 Avengers: Endgame 2019 Joe & Anthony Russo
402 Infernal Affairs 2002 Alan Mak & Andrew Lau
403 Patton 1970 Franklin J. Schaffner
404 Mary Poppins 1964 Robert Stevenson
405 Monsters, Inc. 2001 Pete Docter
406 Hunt for the Wilderpeople 2016 Taika Waititi
407 Children of Heaven 1997 Majid Majidi
408 Last Year at Marienbad 1961 Alain Resnais
409 Sanjuro 1962 Akira Kurosawa
410 1917 2019 Sam Mendes
411 Avengers: Infinity War 2018 Joe & Anthony Russo
412 The Tale of the Princess Kaguya 2013 Isao Takahata
413 Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri 2017 Martin McDonagh
414 Through a Glass Darkly 1961 Ingmar Bergman
415 The Thin Man 1934 W.S. Van Dyke
416 American History X 1998 Tony Kaye
417 Knives Out 2019 Rian Johnson
418 Orpheus 1950 Jean Cocteau
419 Evil Dead II 1987 Sam Raimi
420 Airplane! 1980 Jim Abrahams, Jerry & David Zucker
421 Red River 1948 Howard Hawks & Arthur Rosson
422 Rope 1948 Alfred Hitchcock
423 Y tu mamá también 2001 Alfonso Cuarón
424 Million Dollar Baby 2004 Clint Eastwood
425 Pickpocket 1959 Robert Bresson
426 Being John Malkovich 1999 Spike Jonze
427 The Cameraman 1928 Buster Keaton & Edward Sedgwick
428 Satantango 1994 Béla Tarr
429 Hard Boiled 1992 John Woo
430 Naked 1993 Mike Leigh
431 The Double Life of Veronique 1991 Krzysztof Kieślowski
432 Arrival 2016 Denis Villeneuve
433 Rushmore 1998 Wes Anderson
434 Sing Street 2016 John Carney
435 Rebel Without a Cause 1955 Nicholas Ray
436 The Lady Vanishes 1938 Alfred Hitchcock
437 The Last Laugh 1924 F.W. Murnau
438 The Green Mile 1999 Frank Darabont
439 Vivre Sa Vie 1962 Jean-Luc Godard
440 Spartacus 1960 Stanley Kubrick
441 A Hard Day's Night 1964 Richard Lester
442 Autumn Sonata 1978 Ingmar Bergman
443 Ghostbusters 1984 Ivan Reitman
444 The Hidden Fortress 1958 Akira Kurosawa
445 Capernaum 2018 Nadine Labaki
446 Mommy 2014 Xavier Dolan
447 Le Cercle Rouge 1970 Jean-Pierre Melville
448 Down by Law 1986 Jim Jarmusch
449 Stalag 17 1953 Billy Wilder
450 Boyhood 2014 Richard Linklater
451 Trouble in Paradise 1932 Ernst Lubitsch
452 Judgment at Nuremberg 1961 Stanley Kramer
453 Casino 1995 Martin Scorsese
454 McCabe & Mrs. Miller 1971 Robert Altman
455 The Prestige 2006 Christopher Nolan
456 The Irishman 2019 Martin Scorsese
457 Blade Runner 2049 2017 Denis Villeneuve
458 Faust 1926 F.W. Murnau
459 Marriage Story 2019 Noah Baumbach
460 Fireworks 1997 Takeshi Kitano
461 Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi 1983 Richard Marquand
462 Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind 1984 Hayao Miyazaki
463 Goldfinger 1964 Guy Hamilton
464 Gangs of Wasseypur 2012 Anurag Kashyap
465 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 1937 David Hand
466 Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1956 Don Siegel
467 Top Hat 1935 Mark Sandrich
468 The King's Speech 2010 Tom Hooper
469 Farewell My Concubine 1993 Chen Kaige
470 The Breakfast Club 1985 John Hughes
471 Wolf Children 2012 Mamoru Hosoda
472 The Sixth Sense 1999 M. Night Shyamalan
473 Boyz n the Hood 1991 John Singleton
474 In the Name of the Father 1993 Jim Sheridan
475 Gladiator 2000 Ridley Scott
476 The Phantom Carriage 1921 Victor Sjöström
477 Dead Poets Society 1989 Peter Weir
478 What We Do in the Shadows 2014 Jemaine Clement & Taika Waititi
479 The Birds 1963 Alfred Hitchcock
480 Moonrise Kingdom 2012 Wes Anderson
481 A Fistful of Dollars 1964 Sergio Leone
482 Kill Bill: Vol. 1 2003 Quentin Tarantino
483 Manchester by the Sea 2016 Kenneth Lonergan
484 Who Framed Roger Rabbit 1988 Robert Zemeckis
485 Almost Famous 2000 Cameron Crowe
486 Lady Bird 2017 Greta Gerwig
487 To Have and Have Not 1944 Howard Hawks
488 Kiki's Delivery Service 1989 Hayao Miyazaki
489 Kill Bill: Vol. 2 2004 Quentin Tarantino
490 Eyes Without a Face 1960 Georges Franju
491 Blazing Saddles 1974 Mel Brooks
492 The Sacrifice 1986 Andrei Tarkovsky
493 The 39 Steps 1935 Alfred Hitchcock
494 Donnie Darko 2001 Richard Kelly
495 Gone Girl 2014 David Fincher
496 Eraserhead 1977 David Lynch
497 Hero 2002 Zhang Yimou
498 Ghost in the Shell 1995 Mamoru Oshii
499 Miller's Crossing 1990 Joel & Ethan Coen
500 Meet Me in St. Louis 1944 Vincente Minnelli
501 Great Expectations 1946 David Lean
502 Contempt 1963 Jean-Luc Godard
503 Scarface 1932 Howard Hawks
504 Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles 1975 Chantal Akerman
505 My Left Foot 1989 Jim Sheridan
506 The Long Goodbye 1973 Robert Altman
507 Zootopia 2016 Byron Howard
508 Catch Me If You Can 2002 Steven Spielberg
509 Fitzcarraldo 1982 Werner Herzog
510 West Side Story 1961 Jerome Robbins & Robert Wise
511 All That Jazz 1979 Bob Fosse
512 Castle in the Sky 1986 Hayao Miyazaki
513 Kagemusha 1980 Akira Kurosawa
514 The Wolf of Wall Street 2013 Martin Scorsese
515 My Fair Lady 1964 George Cukor
516 Dunkirk 2017 Christopher Nolan
517 Guardians of the Galaxy 2014 James Gunn
518 The Lost Weekend 1945 Billy Wilder
519 The Intouchables 2011 Eric Toledano & Olivier Nakache
520 Nightcrawler 2014 Dan Gilroy
521 Short Cuts 1993 Robert Altman
522 A Silent Voice 2016 Naoko Yamada
523 The Innocents 1961 Jack Clayton
524 Nostalgia 1983 Andrei Tarkovsky
525 Mean Streets 1973 Martin Scorsese
526 Rocky 1976 John G. Avildsen
527 I Am Cuba 1964 Mikhail Kalatozov
528 3-Iron 2004 Kim Ki-duk
529 Dirty Harry 1971 Don Siegel
530 Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior 1981 George Miller
531 The Crowd 1928 King Vidor
532 The Triplets of Belleville 2003 Sylvain Chomet
533 Black Swan 2010 Darren Aronofsky
534 Mon Oncle 1958 Jacques Tati
535 The Piano 1993 Jane Campion
536 Ed Wood 1994 Tim Burton
537 Head-On 2004 Fatih Akin
538 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 2004 Alfonso Cuarón
539 The Insider 1999 Michael Mann
540 Forbidden Games 1952 René Clément
541 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 2011 David Yates
542 When Harry Met Sally... 1989 Rob Reiner
543 The Wrestler 2008 Darren Aronofsky
544 The Player 1992 Robert Altman
545 Inside Llewyn Davis 2013 Joel & Ethan Coen
546 Blow-Up 1966 Michelangelo Antonioni
547 The Remains of the Day 1993 James Ivory
548 The Man Who Would Be King 1975 John Huston
549 The Florida Project 2017 Sean Baker
550 Napoleon 1927 Abel Gance
551 Suspiria 1977 Dario Argento
552 Drive 2011 Nicolas Winding Refn
553 The Producers 1967 Mel Brooks
554 That Obscure Object of Desire 1977 Luis Buñuel
555 The Outlaw Josey Wales 1976 Clint Eastwood
556 Klaus 2019 Sergio Pablos
557 The African Queen 1951 John Huston
558 Ninotchka 1939 Ernst Lubitsch
559 Slumdog Millionaire 2008 Danny Boyle
560 My Man Godfrey 1936 Gregory La Cava
561 Dangal 2016 Nitesh Tiwari
562 Blood Simple. 1984 Joel & Ethan Coen
563 Interstellar 2014 Christopher Nolan
564 About Elly 2009 Asghar Farhadi
565 Hot Fuzz 2007 Edgar Wright
566 Johnny Guitar 1954 Nicholas Ray
567 Planet of the Apes 1968 Franklin J. Schaffner
568 The Quiet Man 1952 John Ford
569 Fantastic Mr. Fox 2009 Wes Anderson
570 Casino Royale 2006 Martin Campbell
571 Monsieur Hulot's Holiday 1953 Jacques Tati
572 Adaptation. 2002 Spike Jonze
573 American Graffiti 1973 George Lucas
574 Barton Fink 1991 Joel & Ethan Coen
575 Tampopo 1985 Juzo Itami
576 Little Miss Sunshine 2006 Jonathan Dayton & Valerie Faris
577 Edward Scissorhands 1990 Tim Burton
578 The Earrings of Madame de… 1953 Max Ophüls
579 Arsenic and Old Lace 1944 Frank Capra
580 Doctor Zhivago 1965 David Lean
581 The Virgin Spring 1960 Ingmar Bergman
582 Jean de Florette 1986 Claude Berri
583 Zodiac 2007 David Fincher
584 Aparajito 1956 Satyajit Ray
585 The Asphalt Jungle 1950 John Huston
586 Ex Machina 2014 Alex Garland
587 The Favourite 2018 Yorgos Lanthimos
588 The Royal Tenenbaums 2001 Wes Anderson
589 The Twilight Samurai 2002 Yôji Yamada
590 Pierrot le Fou 1965 Jean-Luc Godard
591 The Day the Earth Stood Still 1951 Robert Wise
592 Enter the Dragon 1973 Robert Clouse
593 Batman Begins 2005 Christopher Nolan
594 Hell or High Water 2016 David Mackenzie
595 Dersu Uzala 1975 Akira Kurosawa
596 Letter from an Unknown Woman 1948 Max Ophüls
597 Sleuth 1972 Joseph L. Mankiewicz
598 Whisper of the Heart 1995 Yoshifumi Kondô
599 Nobody Knows 2004 Hirokazu Koreeda
600 Glengarry Glen Ross 1992 James Foley
601 Dogville 2003 Lars von Trier
602 Nine Queens 2000 Fabián Bielinsky
603 The Sweet Hereafter 1997 Atom Egoyan
604 Dazed and Confused 1993 Richard Linklater
605 True Romance 1993 Tony Scott
606 The Great Beauty 2013 Paolo Sorrentino
607 Band of Outsiders 1964 Jean-Luc Godard
608 Eighth Grade 2018 Bo Burnham
609 The Killing Fields 1984 Roland Joffé
610 Once 2007 John Carney
611 The Artist 2011 Michel Hazanavicius
612 Sling Blade 1996 Billy Bob Thornton
613 Ferris Bueller's Day Off 1986 John Hughes
614 Dial M for Murder 1954 Alfred Hitchcock
615 The Farewell 2019 Lulu Wang
616 Limelight 1952 Charles Chaplin
617 Charade 1963 Stanley Donen
618 Prisoners 2013 Denis Villeneuve
619 Mildred Pierce 1945 Michael Curtiz
620 Kubo and the Two Strings 2016 Travis Knight
621 Winter Sleep 2014 Nuri Bilge Ceylan
622 Hedwig and the Angry Inch 2001 John Cameron Mitchell
623 Kiss Me Deadly 1955 Robert Aldrich
624 Pride 2014 Matthew Warchus
625 After Hours 1985 Martin Scorsese
626 East of Eden 1955 Elia Kazan
627 Mission: Impossible - Fallout 2018 Christopher McQuarrie
628 The Mother and the Whore 1973 Jean Eustache
629 Perfect Blue 1997 Satoshi Kon
630 The Blues Brothers 1980 John Landis
631 Elevator to the Gallows 1958 Louis Malle
632 Pain and Glory 2019 Pedro Almodóvar
633 The Fugitive 1993 Andrew Davis
634 The Vanishing 1988 George Sluizer
635 Hidden Figures 2016 Theodore Melfi
636 JFK 1991 Oliver Stone
637 Dancer in the Dark 2000 Lars von Trier
638 Don't Look Now 1973 Nicolas Roeg
639 Dallas Buyers Club 2013 Jean-Marc Vallée
640 Hotel Rwanda 2004 Terry George
641 Sense and Sensibility 1995 Ang Lee
642 The Avengers 2012 Joss Whedon
643 Vampyr 1932 Carl Theodor Dreyer
644 Twelve Monkeys 1995 Terry Gilliam
645 Rain Man 1988 Barry Levinson
646 Pinocchio 1940 Hamilton Luske & Ben Sharpsteen
647 The White Ribbon 2009 Michael Haneke
648 Zelig 1983 Woody Allen
649 The Magnificent Ambersons 1942 Orson Welles & Fred Fleck
650 Stranger Than Paradise 1984 Jim Jarmusch
651 Picnic at Hanging Rock 1975 Peter Weir
652 3 Idiots 2009 Rajkumar Hirani
653 Phantom Thread 2017 Paul Thomas Anderson
654 The Last Emperor 1987 Bernardo Bertolucci
655 Birdman 2014 Alejandro González Iñárritu
656 Day of Wrath 1943 Carl Theodor Dreyer
657 The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 1974 Tobe Hooper
658 Deliverance 1972 John Boorman
659 Gandhi 1982 Richard Attenborough
660 Warrior 2011 Gavin O'Connor
661 In Bruges 2008 Martin McDonagh
662 C.R.A.Z.Y. 2005 Jean-Marc Vallée
663 To Live 1994 Zhang Yimou
664 The Fly 1986 David Cronenberg
665 The Lego Movie 2014 Phil Lord & Christopher Miller
666 Volver 2006 Pedro Almodóvar
667 The Thin Red Line 1998 Terrence Malick
668 Our Hospitality 1923 John G. Blystone & Buster Keaton
669 La Notte 1961 Michelangelo Antonioni
670 The Holy Mountain 1973 Alejandro Jodorowsky
671 Malcolm X 1992 Spike Lee
672 The Dark Knight Rises 2012 Christopher Nolan
673 The Purple Rose of Cairo 1985 Woody Allen
674 Isle of Dogs 2018 Wes Anderson
675 The Lion in Winter 1968 Anthony Harvey
676 A Short Film About Killing 1988 Krzysztof Kieślowski
677 Black Cat, White Cat 1998 Emir Kusturica
678 Mother 2009 Bong Joon-ho
679 Snatch. 2000 Guy Ritchie
680 If.... 1968 Lindsay Anderson
681 Toy Story 4 2019 John Lasseter
682 Godzilla 1954 Ishirô Honda
683 A Short Film About Love 1988 Krzysztof Kieślowski
684 Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages 1916 D.W. Griffith
685 Carol 2015 Todd Haynes
686 Letters from Iwo Jima 2006 Clint Eastwood
687 Fiddler on the Roof 1971 Norman Jewison
688 Moon 2009 Duncan Jones
689 L'Eclisse 1962 Michelangelo Antonioni
690 Serpico 1973 Sidney Lumet
691 Porco Rosso 1992 Hayao Miyazaki
692 The Heiress 1949 William Wyler
693 Winter Light 1963 Ingmar Bergman
694 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof 1958 Richard Brooks
695 Elite Squad: The Enemy Within 2010 José Padilha
696 Deep Red 1975 Dario Argento
697 The Ox-Bow Incident 1942 William A. Wellman
698 Pride & Prejudice 2005 Joe Wright
699 The Blue Angel 1930 Josef von Sternberg
700 Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown 1988 Pedro Almodóvar
701 Three Colors: White 1994 Krzysztof Kieślowski
702 The Ladykillers 1955 Alexander Mackendrick
703 Breakfast at Tiffany's 1961 Blake Edwards
704 Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India 2001 Ashutosh Gowariker
705 Baby Driver 2017 Edgar Wright
706 Iron Man 2008 Jon Favreau
707 Kramer vs. Kramer 1979 Robert Benton
708 The Martian 2015 Ridley Scott
709 The Bourne Ultimatum 2007 Paul Greengrass
710 Thor: Ragnarok 2017 Taika Waititi
711 Burning 2018 Lee Chang-dong
712 The Wind Rises 2013 Hayao Miyazaki
713 Jojo Rabbit 2019 Taika Waititi
714 Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 2013 Jay Oliva
715 Cache (Hidden) 2005 Michael Haneke
716 Delicatessen 1991 Jean-Pierre Jeunet & Marc Caro
717 Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory 1971 Mel Stuart
718 Shrek 2001 Andrew Adamson & Vicky Jenson
719 A Christmas Story 1983 Bob Clark
720 The Life of Oharu 1952 Kenji Mizoguchi
721 Pandora's Box 1929 G.W. Pabst
722 Five Easy Pieces 1970 Bob Rafelson
723 Thelma & Louise 1991 Ridley Scott
724 Andhadhun 2018 Sriram Raghavan
725 The Big Sick 2017 Michael Showalter
726 Gilda 1946 Charles Vidor
727 Creed 2015 Ryan Coogler
728 Blue Is the Warmest Color 2013 Abdellatif Kechiche
729 RoboCop 1987 Paul Verhoeven
730 Shane 1953 George Stevens
731 A Face in the Crowd 1957 Elia Kazan
732 Moana 2016 Ron Clements & John Musker
733 Argo 2012 Ben Affleck
734 Gravity 2013 Alfonso Cuarón
735 BlacKkKlansman 2018 Spike Lee
736 I Am a Fugitive from the Chain Gang 1932 Mervyn LeRoy
737 The Magnificent Seven 1960 John Sturges
738 Run Lola Run 1998 Tom Tykwer
739 A Star Is Born 1954 George Cukor
740 Mystic River 2003 Clint Eastwood
741 Brooklyn 2015 John Crowley
742 The Ten Commandments 1956 Cecil B. DeMille
743 Miracle on 34th Street 1947 George Seaton
744 Into the Wild 2007 Sean Penn
745 This Is England 2006 Shane Meadows
746 Love and Death 1975 Woody Allen
747 Mustang 2015 Deniz Gamze Ergüven
748 Departures 2008 Yojiro Takita
749 Star Trek 2009 J.J. Abrams
750 Selma 2014 Ava DuVernay
Please let me know if there are any glaring omissions, mistakes, or possible bias, as well as any other feedback that you have that could improve the list. Thank you.
Extra Lists:
500 ‘Greatest’ Movies of the 21st Century
CRITIC EDITION: Top10ner’s 1000 ‘Greatest’ Films of All Time
AUDIENCE EDITION: Top10ner’s 1000 ‘Greatest’ Movies of All Time
submitted by StopReadinMyUsername to movies [link] [comments]

The /r/hockey Trade Deadline Game - Day 2 Thread

NOTE: This is FAKE HOCKEY. To talk about actual hockey, go to the latest Daily Discussion thread
Trade Deadline Tonight will continue TONIGHT!
The /hockey Trade Deadline Game is back for day 2! Starting today at 8:00 AM MT trading is officially open again. Trading will run until Thursday, January 30th at 6:00 PM MT.
You are not late! You can still sign up at
When you are traded, change your flair on hockey-related subreddits and spend the week from January 31st through February 7th cheering for your new team.
Here are this year's reporters, the people who will make things up break news of trade negotiations:
But remember


It's not too late to sign up to be a player The sign-up form is still active and will remain open until Wednesday night. You can find that here
For TDG-related shenanigans, go here [WARNING: some NSFW Language]
Happy trading!
coloradoavalanche receives xelrano from detroitredwings
detroitredwings receives illwill18 from coloradoavalanche
Detroit receives a 3 of the Rocky Mountains, Breckenridge Brewery.
Colorado receives Windsor Ontario.
coloradoavalanche receives Muckerofbin from edmontonoilers
coloradoavalanche receives SCwinningJultz from edmontonoilers
edmontonoilers receives asswaffle420 from coloradoavalanche
edmontonoilers receives CloutWaffle from coloradoavalanche
coloradoavalanche receive a used oil derrick, straight from the prairies.
canucks receives TheOlDickTwister from detroitredwings
canucks receives SevenStringGod from detroitredwings
detroitredwings receives JordanTheLobster from canucks
detroitredwings receives BlueLegs32 from canucks
Detroit receives Storm Brewery.
Vancouver receives the naming rights to Lake Superior
predators receives tonuch4963 from detroitredwings
detroitredwings receives TRed7894 from predators
Detroit receives Yazoo Brewery, and a choked on peanut.
Nashville receives the helmet from Robocop.
penguins receives thewinterzodiac from edmontonoilers
penguins receives nextfanatic from edmontonoilers
edmontonoilers receives DontPanic_4242 from penguins
edmontonoilers receives shirleyxx from penguins
penguins receive a barrel of the finest Albertan oil.
penguins receives StonedArcticPenguin from rangers
rangers receives ArchaicTriad from penguins
Pittsburgh Cheesesteak has been removed from the menu from Parmanti Bro's
anaheimducks receives Efficient-Sentence from winnipegjets
anaheimducks receives ItsaMe_Fish from winnipegjets
winnipegjets receives dunkan799 from anaheimducks
anaheimducks Front Office will have food delivered to the Front Office of Winnipegjets
stlouisblues receives otterHooligan from flyers
stlouisblues receives DelcoScum from flyers
stlouisblues receives agswanlek from flyers
flyers receives OtterInAustin from stlouisblues
flyers receives lawnicus18 from stlouisblues
flyers receives Rhymes_withOrange from stlouisblues
stlouisblues receives The Jacks NYB from Philadelphia in exchange for one hour alone with the Stanley Cup for Gritty.
rangers receives Asscheese124 from floridapanthers
rangers receives BearHands00 from floridapanthers
rangers receives MiamiDolphinsFan13 from floridapanthers
floridapanthers receives MentalCorruption from rangers
The New York Rangers also receive naming rights to the city of Miami, renaming it New Brooklyn, and naming rights to the Florida Keys, renaming them the Brooklyn Keys
flyers receives leadorlead from bluejackets
bluejackets receives puckcrisis11 from flyers
To bluejackets - a supply of Scrapple
To flyers - a gift card to La Crema in Hamilton
bluejackets receives NorthHighBears from coloradoavalanche
bluejackets receives RaiderGoalie from coloradoavalanche
bluejackets receives FuzzyTheKiller from coloradoavalanche
coloradoavalanche receives Highlander253 from bluejackets
coloradoavalanche receives HockeyHydralisk from bluejackets
Columbus Blue Jackets to receive a case of Marylands finest rot gut, DuClaw Brewery's Sweet Baby Jesus Chocolate Peanut Butter Porter.
Colorado Avalanche to receive assurances that HockeyHydralisk will shitpost memes at least twice, spending more than ten minutes in GIMP and not just making text on a white background.
detroitredwings receives docksmur from bluejackets
detroitredwings receives Demonox01 from bluejackets
bluejackets receives TheFlanderer from detroitredwings
bluejackets receives InSwedenWeTrust from detroitredwings
bluejackets may dress the Spirit of Detroit in a Blue Jackets jersey for one week
detroitredwings receives the Columbus Brewing Company
flyers receives Sulfoniclol from coloradoavalanche
flyers receives doodlescout from coloradoavalanche
coloradoavalanche receives TheGlaceon78 from flyers
coloradoavalanche receives wh1zzer from flyers
Colorado Avalanche to receive the township of Cherry Hill, NJ.
canes receives sneakytinkerspirits from canes
VGK receives a single In-n-Out fry. Not even animal style. Plain.
devils receives OhneBremse_OhneLicht from sanjosesharks
sanjosesharks receives woodbot96 from devils
sanjosesharks receives SnowyPuzzle from devils
sanjosesharks receives HopelessEsq from devils
sanjosesharks receives CTLepore from devils
hawks receives themagicman1343 from detroitredwings
detroitredwings receives Xenofon713 from hawks
detroitredwings receives Goose Island Brewery, but will still distribute to Chicago. hawks gets to rename 8 mile, 88 mile and a picture of Patrick Kane will be put on the sign.
hawks receives hockeyenthusiast from sanjosesharks
sanjosesharks receives NimihseeL from hawks
Chicago will send some cold weather to the Bay Area. The Sharks will use this to host the Blackhawks in the Winter Classic.
canes receives StephDoesntCamp from flyers
flyers receives SheepLovesFinns from canes
flyers receives SarahCiv from canes
flyers receives IAMA_Dumba55_Fan from canes
canes receives the Rocky statue and promises to teach Steph how to properly appreciate Rod the Bod
dallasstars receives kethryvis from sanjosesharks
sanjosesharks receives talkinmyface from dallasstars
sanjosesharks receives doihavetowearabra from dallasstars
Sharks receive three bags of hockey pucks.
detroitredwings receives OcelotWolf from sanjosesharks
sanjosesharks receives swim846 from detroitredwings
sanjosesharks receives GreatCanadian_ from detroitredwings
sanjosesharks receives ts1234666 from detroitredwings
Detroit receives ownership of the Hapas Brewing Company.
newyorkislanders receives Dildo_Baggins_6969 from hawks
newyorkislanders receives bwhyte1123 from hawks
hawks receives Deathwing_Dragonlord from newyorkislanders
hawks receives commsmatt from newyorkislanders
Isles to provide Hawks with Brooklyn pie.
Hawks to provide Isles with deep dish pizza.
detroitredwings receives CutLinkOfficial from rangers
rangers receives nik_mkay from detroitredwings
/detroitredwings get Genesee Brewing Company.
/rangers get to rename Dayton, MI to New New York, MI
devils receives osoblanco234 from goldenknights
devils receives Bigcheecho from goldenknights
devils receives rubix08 from goldenknights
devils receives mmowry98 from goldenknights
devils receives CapHillFlash from goldenknights
goldenknights receives JSav7 from devils
goldenknights receives timotomat0 from devils
goldenknights receives Pastatrees from devils
goldenknights receives Palmsfan21 from devils
goldenknights receives faze_chair from devils
New Jersey Devils acquire Bryce Harper's tears
Vegas Golden Knights acquire a Nikita Gusev Jersey
devils receives Hobpobkibblebob from tampabaylightning
tampabaylightning receives HeadHighSauce26 from devils
tampabaylightning receives diego-fuego from devils
TB receives: Louis Domingue NJ receives: some real Florida beach sand and a 12 pack of a Tampa Bay beer to be named later
canes receives Awab25 from hawks
hawks receives shadownet97 from canes
Canes will receive 1 pie from Pequod's.
leafs receives Cynova055 from bluejackets
bluejackets receives haIifax from leafs
To leafs - a signed LeBron James poster
To bluejackets - a Stan Rogers vinyl
coloradoavalanche receives ksheiny from newyorkislanders
coloradoavalanche receives zxpzflik from newyorkislanders
coloradoavalanche receives QuantumDrake from newyorkislanders
newyorkislanders receives littleneerd from coloradoavalanche
newyorkislanders receives bluestooge from coloradoavalanche
newyorkislanders receives usiakcameron from coloradoavalanche
/ColoradoAvalanche receive a cup holder stolen from the Barclays center
both teams sign a joint statement saying the Barclays Center sucks for hockey
rangers receives _RocketGrunt_ from coloradoavalanche
rangers receives stormylullabye from coloradoavalanche
rangers receives Thebush121 from coloradoavalanche
rangers receives taylorrae33 from coloradoavalanche
rangers receives camco105 from coloradoavalanche
coloradoavalanche receives MEGAMATTEOMAN from rangers
coloradoavalanche receives Robtachi from rangers
New York Rangers to receive New Mountain York.
detroitredwings receives guccigatana from newyorkislanders
newyorkislanders receives DeadWithMyFriends from detroitredwings
/NewYorkIslanders receive a girder from the old Joe Louis Arena
/DetroitRedWings receive the Southern Tier Brewing Company
tampabaylightning receives MooseKingdom from leafs
stlouisblues receives Ezflow from tampabaylightning
stlouisblues receives Bryce_Dead19 from tampabaylightning
stlouisblues receives Euroranger from stlouisblues
leafs receives Jimmers1231 from stlouisblues
leafs receives Bcakd5 from stlouisblues
bluejackets receives dylanr18 from bluejackets
bluejackets receives TheDanAplan from bluejackets
stlouisblues receives thecbjfan from bluejackets
leafs receives an official expression of gratitude from stlouisblues for Toronto's release of Tyler Bozak
hawks receives OleMissGoalie37 from coloradoavalanche
hawks receives HeelJopy from coloradoavalanche
hawks receives silentrenegade8 from coloradoavalanche
coloradoavalanche receives Bragisson from hawks
Chicago to receive Rhein Haus.
stlouisblues receives wingsfan64 from detroitredwings
detroitredwings receives ContrastingWords from stlouisblues
/detroitredwings receive 2 clydesdales
/stlouisblues receive 2 Fiats.
flyers receives WhoaItsAFactorial from losangeleskings
losangeleskings receives SplendaMan from flyers
losangeleskings receives crafbicycle from flyers
flyers receives a bag of Mike Richards finest nose candy
losangeleskings receives Gritty's dealer's phone number
losangeleskings receives kenlane from newyorkislanders
losangeleskings receives auniqueusername1001 from newyorkislanders
newyorkislanders receives Branzilla91 from losangeleskings
newyorkislanders receives WhyAreYouGey from losangeleskings
newyorkislanders receives trippy2219 from losangeleskings
/NewYorkIslanders receive a Pau Gasol jersey
/LosAngelesKings receive a jug of that good Brooklyn Water
flyers receives RealmoftheRedWiings from detroitredwings
flyers receives RedWingFan5 from detroitredwings
detroitredwings receives carp_boy from flyers
detroitredwings receives KFC_Gaming from flyers
/detroitredwings receive Yuengling Brewery
/flyers receive otters Kalee and Sparky from the Detroit Zoo
coyotes receives JimmyRadRad from tampabaylightning
coyotes receives sdubz11 from tampabaylightning
coyotes receives vinnyv91 from tampabaylightning
coyotes receives PinHill from tampabaylightning
tampabaylightning receives bonzaijoe from coyotes
TB receives: Some desert sand from Arizona + 1 live coyote
ARI receives: Some beach sand from Florida
predators receives m4xdc from coloradoavalanche
coloradoavalanche receives Forny008 from predators
Colorado Avalanche to receive Carrie "Carrie Underwood" Fisher at one home game.
Nashville Predators to receive two free Chevrolet Avalanches to smash as they see fit during the Stanley Cup Playoffs.
stlouisblues receives christinaann6 from penguins
penguins receives a promise that u/professorwhat won't make another edgy joke on stream
losangeleskings receives PhelpsTheory from canes
losangeleskings receives AStelthyNinja from canes
canes receives LABoston from losangeleskings
In addition, CAR receives a dozen Randy's donuts and a taco truck. LAK receives one storm surge wavier.
coloradoavalanche receives YouGot2BeKiddingMe from tampabaylightning
tampabaylightning receives feedfatso1607 from coloradoavalanche
tampabaylightning receives Leumas_lheir from coloradoavalanche
tampabaylightning receives putinsukraine from coloradoavalanche
tampabaylightning receives stubborn11 from coloradoavalanche
COL receives: A jar of lightning that can be controlled and used to kill enemies
TB receives: An avalanche machine that trigger an avalanche wherever I want, once
bluejackets receives Something_319 from stlouisblues
bluejackets receives Euroranger from stlouisblues
stlouisblues receives TheDanAplan from bluejackets
stlouisblues receives dylanr18 from bluejackets
stlouisblues receives the entire The Drew Carey Show on Blu-Ray.
bluejackets receive the body of General William T. Sherman. At last reunited with Grant, acquired in an earlier trade, Ohio's great God-Kings shall be reinterred beneath Nationwide Arena, henceforth to watch over this city, this state, and this hockey team in eternal glory.
sabres receives TheConeOfShame805 from penguins
penguins receives NumberJ5 from sabres
sabres receives the Monongahela River and a grilled cheese sandwhich that the Penguins promise is actually a Philly cheesesteak
penguins also gives NumberJ5 his own personal bidet
goldenknights receives needuhlife19 from detroitredwings
goldenknights receives D3troiit from detroitredwings
detroitredwings receives cookbacondrunknaked from goldenknights
/detroitredwings receive Ellis Island Hotel Casino & Brewery.
/goldenknights receive Tom Selleck's mustache
bluejackets receives Sh1eldbearer from detroitredwings
goldenknights receives RCX42 from bluejackets
Vegas acquires some Lake Effect from Columbus to help pond hockey in the desert
tampabaylightning receives bay_sports from sanjosesharks
tampabaylightning receives DontSayNoToPills from sanjosesharks
sanjosesharks receives bonzaijoe from tampabaylightning
sanjosesharks receives XanoJester from tampabaylightning
devils receives Troub313 from detroitredwings
detroitredwings receives Flowseidon9 from devils
detroitredwings receives corso923 from devils
/detroitredwings receive the Anheuser-Busch facility located in Newark.
sanjosesharks receives adam3vergreen from bluejackets
bluejackets receives sjs48 from sanjosesharks
bluejackets receives eggs-dee123 from sanjosesharks
caps receives brycer16 from flyers
caps receives AgelessWonder67 from flyers
caps receives FlackBox from flyers
flyers receives koalabear9301 from caps
flyers receives NotShibs from caps
flyers receives _Ghost8_ from caps
Philadelphia sends Jeff Francoeur to DC.
habs receives MOLightningBro from tampabaylightning
habs receives RandomBoltsFan from tampabaylightning
tampabaylightning receives Davel_Patsyuk from habs
tampabaylightning receives christiv7 from habs
tampabaylightning receives Lander-V from habs
MTL receives: A meeting with the Yakuza
TB receives: The best poutine Quebec has to offer
habs receives spyingformontreal from detroitredwings
detroitredwings receives Notopdelta from habs
/detroitredwings receive Molson Coors Brewing Company.
/Habs receive an unreleased Eminem mixtape
devils receives hnglmkrnglbrry from bluejackets
bluejackets receives summervacationtoHoth from devils
bluejackets receives Danny_Devitos_Bitch from devils
bluejackets receives kingofthediamond from devils
bluejackets receives 4Bars_BlackFlag from devils
bluejackets receives Cyrus_Voltaire from devils
bluejackets receives Future Considerations and Snookie from devils
bluejackets acknowledges and endorses the Devils' famous Christmas Whites as the best in the Tri-State Area.
habs receives Angry_Walnut from goldenknights
goldenknights receives Instantcurry from habs
goldenknights receives killerb54 from habs
Vegas acquires Paccioretty's C
Montreal acquires Paccioretty's A
flyers receives JakeTheSnake0709 from edmontonoilers
edmontonoilers receives NippleDickPussyBhole from flyers
flyers receives the Walterdale Bridge EdmontonOilers receive the opportunity to lick the Liberty Bell
caps receives Xenofon713 from detroitredwings
detroitredwings receives NKilmer6 from caps
/detroitredwings receive a bag of prison booze from The Central Detention Facility
sanjosesharks receives Softestpoop from edmontonoilers
edmontonoilers receives infamousgenitals from sanjosesharks
edmontonoilers receives thegreatmomo14 from sanjosesharks
penguins receives ProjectPsion from bluejackets
penguins receives TheStigofKentucky from bluejackets
penguins receives Zebra_dan from bluejackets
bluejackets receives PenguinPride87 from penguins
bluejackets receives knucklepuck17 from penguins
bluejackets admits the Pirates will win another title before the Browns will
caps receives thatgoodmojo from detroitredwings
detroitredwings receives Xenofon713 from caps
/detroitredwings will be holding a press conference soon to honor Xenofon713 for coming back home...for good this time.
flyers receives safetide from losangeleskings
losangeleskings receives cdl5060 from flyers
flyers also receives a meeting with Snoop Dogg to explain what otters are to him
sanjosesharks receives plantedgreenfern from caps
sanjosesharks receives Roust_McGoust from caps
sanjosesharks receives SaxIsMyAxe1_ from caps
sanjosesharks receives Fireball827 from caps
sanjosesharks receives hokierange from caps
caps receives Sainthops from sanjosesharks
caps receives pachicola from sanjosesharks
caps receives bunnymcfoo from sanjosesharks
caps receives SurprisedCarlos from sanjosesharks
winnipegjets receives NarcoticTurkey from habs
habs receives finnishjetter from winnipegjets
Habs receive protection from finnishjetter sabotaging our hockey survivor plans for 2020
winnipegjets receives Spitfyre434 from sanjosesharks
winnipegjets receives lackingspoon from sanjosesharks
sanjosesharks receives TrueNorthStrong1898 from winnipegjets
The Winnipeg Jets officially acknowledge that Northern California is better than Southern California.
winnipegjets receives Fixmy59bug from goldenknights
winnipegjets receives Hektorpascal from goldenknights
goldenknights receives biga204 from winnipegjets
goldenknights receives Kudgar from winnipegjets
stlouisblues receives Whydoesthisexist15 from canes
stlouisblues receives gene_scallop from canes
stlouisblues receives waltstrika from canes
stlouisblues receives canesfan556 from canes
stlouisblues receives fogger794 from canes
canes receives PM_Me_Things_Yo_Like from stlouisblues
canes receives TechDawg20 from stlouisblues
canes receives JazzPolice13 from stlouisblues
canes receives M_Shepard_89 from stlouisblues
canes receives jsmu2016 from stlouisblues
canes receives a buffet tray of T-Ravs, stlouisblues receives the Section 328 Podcast.
canucks receives DeathToHeretics from caps
hawks receives ainzooalg0wn from caps
caps receives thelaineranger from canucks
hawks receives jlennox__ from canucks
caps receives younggun92 from hawks
caps receives jamaicancovfefe from hawks
To Chicago: A pizza from We The Pizza (Toppings to be decided at a later date)
To DeathToHeretics: A Chicago Dog and Chicago Deep Dish Pizza to be taken with him to Vancouver
canucks receives ChronicBitRot from hawks
canucks receives ThirdTimesAnAlt from hawks
canucks receives SpeedyDolphin42 from hawks
hawks receives mephnick from canucks
winnipegjets receives darnfox from detroitredwings
winnipegjets receives akschreibs from detroitredwings
detroitredwings receives PuckTheFreds from winnipegjets
/detroitredwings receive Half Pints Brewing Co.
/winnipegjets receive lockers from Joe Louis Arena, to be used as the overhead compartments
canucks receives jmorga33 from bluejackets
bluejackets receives offline_dude19 from canucks
canucks receives a bag of pucks from bluejackets , and promises to take them down to Seattle and use them to break Starbucks windows
losangeleskings receives sweetstrife from bluejackets
bluejackets receives Mootux from losangeleskings
bluejackets receives im_turning_into_moss from losangeleskings
bluejackets receives Bhelliom from losangeleskings
bluejackets receives Boii1209 from losangeleskings
bluejackets receives WorldRallyBlues from losangeleskings
The Rainbow Bar and Grill moved to Columbus. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame moved to Los Angeles. Harvey Weinstein lifetime banned from entering Ohio.
/sabres receives Mercpool87 from /penguins
/sabres receives DL757 from /penguins
/sabres receives armagev17 from /penguins
/penguins receives shadowzeak from /sabres
/penguins receives Uncle_Gazpacho from /sabres
penguins receives the city of Buffalo, and the Buffalo Bisons u/armagev17 receives a full NTC
hawks receives spicy-succ from newyorkislanders
hawks receives PracticallyCanadian7 from newyorkislanders
newyorkislanders receives IAmQueensBlvd31 from hawks
/NewYorkIslanders receive courtiebabe420's old Jay Cutler jersey
/Hawks receive TheBossJarhead's old John Tavares jersey
penguins receives cgreen727 from coyotes
coyotes receives BoBandy35 from penguins
coyotes receives TheStigofKentucky from penguins
coyotes receives brendan0305 from penguins
coyotes get Phil Kessel's old house for u/bonzaijoe
penguins get an old Phil Kessel hotdog wrapper for u/armagev17
coloradoavalanche receives Freaaak55 from sanjosesharks
sanjosesharks receives SlipperyInNet from coloradoavalanche
goldenknights receives AnAngryAnimal from wildhockey
goldenknights receives CommanderCorndog from wildhockey
wildhockey receives moosepile from goldenknights
Minnesota sends Mild hot sauce to Vegas. Vegas issues a written apology for having done it to GMCF so hard in the expansion draft
flyers receives pelliffe11 from devils
devils receives MrMeSeeds from flyers
Flyers also receive Apple Watch to log "fitness"
canucks receives thronelol from caps
canucks receives mataleon07 from caps
canucks receives camelCaseNoob from caps
caps receives IGotThisFromEbay from canucks
caps receives Crazymoney74 from canucks
caps receives spacppl from canucks
caps receives flyingsub from canucks
caps receives BraqAttack from canucks
bluejackets receives FewWatermelonlesson7 from wildhockey
wildhockey receives AntiPrince from bluejackets
Minnesota admits that they are not, in fact, Canadian. The Blue Jackets admit that the Cleveland Indians ownership is dumb and stupid.
goldenknights receives svartkonst from dallasstars
goldenknights receives scoutcjustice from dallasstars
goldenknights receives FuckItHaveAnUpvote from dallasstars
dallasstars receives Sumdood88 from goldenknights
And a promise to get Drokeep out of Philly
detroitredwings receives quantumking_ from wildhockey
detroitredwings receives Zushenko from wildhockey
wildhockey receives Detonation from detroitredwings
DET acquires: Burning Brothers Brewery
MIN acquires: 5 lbs of mackinac fudge
sabres receives TurtleWithATail from canucks
sabres receives MirandaGemini from canucks
canucks receives KEWLCactus from sabres
Vancouver receives both the American and Canadian sides of Niagara Falls.
Buffalo receives 2000 lbs of salmon (wild) and the rights to Seattle as a rival.
losangeleskings receives wyattgbert from detroitredwings
detroitredwings receives Arelfel from losangeleskings
/detroitredwings receive Angel City Brewery
/losangeleskings receive a random parking lot attendant
penguins receives Dragarien from detroitredwings
penguins receives drock21023 from detroitredwings
detroitredwings receives byfugWIN from penguins
/detroitredwings receive Croakers Brewing
/penguins receive an old concession stand from Joe Louis Arena
detroitredwings receives Gamogi from edmontonoilers
detroitredwings receives LLbnjt99 from edmontonoilers
detroitredwings receives rdayrien from edmontonoilers
detroitredwings receives saltydingus from edmontonoilers
edmontonoilers receives Ohgodwhatisthisidont from detroitredwings
edmontonoilers receives iFuktUrMom from detroitredwings
edmontonoilers receives BylerTertuzzi from detroitredwings
detroitredwings receives the Alley Kat Brewing Company.
habs receives NontransferableApe from bluejackets
bluejackets receives Toaster_Coaster from habs
bluejackets receives gryff_ from habs
hawks receives BoltsGoalieGirl from tampabaylightning
hawks receives DoinWhale from tampabaylightning
hawks receives xW52 from tampabaylightning
hawks receives KatWantsToBattle from tampabaylightning
hawks receives J_Mark13 from tampabaylightning
tampabaylightning receives GRAIN_DIV_20 from hawks
tampabaylightning receives drmatt19 from hawks
tampabaylightning receives freezend from hawks
tampabaylightning receives burtsreynoldswrap from hawks
tampabaylightning receives keister_TM from hawks
TB receives: The best Chicago deep dish pizza for the staff + a shipment of Old Style
CHI receives: The best Cuban subs for the staff + a shipment of Yuengling
dallasstars receives Drokeep from flyers
flyers receives Sumdood88 from dallasstars
goldenknights agrees to renounce all present and future claims to Bryce Harper
dallasstars recieves Chance the Gila Monster from Vegas
tampabaylightning receives CluelessNuggetOfGold from detroitredwings
tampabaylightning receives canbehazardous from detroitredwings
tampabaylightning receives DarkRitNighthawk from detroitredwings
tampabaylightning receives SlenderSpenser from detroitredwings
tampabaylightning receives Datsyuk1998 from detroitredwings
detroitredwings receives westofvenus from tampabaylightning
detroitredwings receives SuperSniper4 from tampabaylightning
detroitredwings receives deeyaz from tampabaylightning
/detroitredwings receives Cigar City Brewing
/tampabaylightning receies a C8 Corvette in blue and a case of Vernors
goldenknights receives obelisk29 from tampabaylightning
goldenknights receives cm17cm17 from tampabaylightning
goldenknights receives MrTubzy from tampabaylightning
goldenknights receives justincase_2008 from tampabaylightning
goldenknights receives lorenzovonmaterhorn from tampabaylightning
tampabaylightning receives GhostlyPixel from goldenknights
tampabaylightning receives Hollywood_Zro from goldenknights
tampabaylightning receives WoomyNgyes from goldenknights
tampabaylightning receives Byers346 from goldenknights
tampabaylightning receives KelaSaar from goldenknights
TB receives: Tickets to a Vegas show to be named later
VGK receives: Future Considerations
submitted by DeadlineCommish to hockey [link] [comments]

Wrestling Observer Rewind ★ Feb. 1, 1988

Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words, continuing in the footsteps of daprice82. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at f4wonline and checking out the full archives.
The Complete Observer Rewind Archive by daprice82
1-4-1988 1-11-1988 1-18-1988 1-25-1988
  • The Bunkhouse Stampede Finals and Royal Rumble are in the books, and as a head-to-head it’s best described as a stalemate. Neither show is what Dave would consider among the best cards he’s ever seen, and from the perspective of a tv viewer they were about what you’d expect. No strong overall lineup for either, and what was delivered wasn’t spectacular either. WWF had the edge in glitz, but not as much as usual because of the live factor meaning they couldn’t rely on post-production editing tricks. Here’s a sentence that describes a typical Raw today: “The three-hour show had too many replays and looked like it may have dragged in spots if you were there live.” Dave’s gotten some word from people who were there for the Bunkhouse finals live, and all rated it terribly as a live experience. From the tv viewer perspective, though, it was better than Starrcade despite some major issues (Dave says they owe the audience an explanation for why the Rock & Roll Express and Steve Williams were absent, as well as for the lack of Mike Rotunda vs. Sting which was pushed on WTBS half an hour before the show).
  • Dave’s tired of writing a lot of the same complaints about NWA, but they do seem to be responding to fans. They’re going to start showing the finishes to matches that go off the air on the following week’s show and have made changes to the announce desk. Jim Ross did a great job on ppv and toned back on calling every match an all-time classic like he did at Starrcade. But there were eight no-shows among the wrestlers and on Thursday night they had a terrible show in Los Angeles. Most of the no-shows were guys they pulled from the card to save money on flights. The Bunkhouse Finals were advertised with a 7 pm start time, but many of the tickets had 8 pm printed on them, and the show itself actually started at 6:35. Pm and ended at 9 pm, so those arriving at 8 missed most of the show. Not all the no-shows can be blamed on the promotion (Mighty Wilbur got injured, Rock & Roll Express appear to have up and quit), but some kind of explanation needs to be made for the fans. Between all that, getting chants of “Refund” after the Stampede and Dusty getting booed (which fans watching on tv heard) when he won the finals, NWA has significantly hurt its position in two of the biggest markets in the country in LA and New York. They’re making changes, slowly, but some changes need to be made or they’re going to sink. NWA fans come for action, but you can’t get the kind of action the fans want with the schedule they’re running (contrast to WWF which can get by with less action because their guys are seen as stars and the fans want to see the stars). Doing cross-country double shots on weekends is killing NWA, and they need to make new stars. Turning Flair face, since he’s more popular than almost anyone else, isn’t even something to do right now because Luger’s turn is in full throttle and they don’t have a heel to take up the slack. They could turn Dusty heel and have him feud with the Road Warriors, but they won’t.
  • In the past few weeks, NWA has managed to lose several guys they really shouldn’t have. Terry Taylor is gone apparently because the office had it in for him because of when he left the promotion in 1985. Big Bubba Rogers had become a good worker and had a great gimmick going, but WWF poached him. Rock and Roll Express apparently quit because they were unhappy about their push (though Dave thinks despite their ability and work, they’ve been on borrowed time for nine months now). Dave gives Steve Williams 50/50 odds of coming back and just kind of gestures to UWF as explanation. Sean Royal quit, and Chris Champion, Eddie Gilbert, and Brad Armstrong are all but disappeared. And more are looking to get out. Dave hates writing all this stuff about what Crockett’s doing wrong on the front page, especially when he’s been talking about it for months, and especially because he’s a fan of the NWA. He wouldn’t classify himself as a fan of WWF, but they’ve earned his respect with what they’ve done to take the business to another level and in the next two months he expects them to blow the whole wrestling business wide open. But WWF’s success isn’t the reason for NWA’s problems. WWF doing counterprogramming has made Crockett earn less money than he would have unopposed, and Dusty probably books himself the way he does because he knows WWF won’t steal him (spoilers: WWF gets Dusty in just over a year) and it’s hard to leave the limelight, but WWF isn’t the reason for most of Crockett’s issues.
  • According to the newspapers this morning, Wrestlemania IV will take place in Atlantic City’s Convention Center. Capacity is 16,000. There were rumblings of Vince being close to a deal in Vegas for either UNLV Gym or Caesar’s Palace, so Atlantic City’s a surprise. Wrestlemania is going to be more focused on ppv than closed-circuit this year, apparently. But most of the audience can’t get ppv, so they’ll still need closed-circuit in major cities.
  • Two weeks after Wrestlemania will be the Crockett Cup. Place is to be announced, and Dave thinks it’s high time Crockett re-establishes working relationships with at least one or two other North American promotions in order to help make the Cup a big event. They just don’t have the talent roster this year to get away with doing otherwise.
  • A correction on Starrcade: Dave reported a 6.6 percent buy-rate, but the reality was a 3.3 percent buy-rate. Dave heard they got 20,000 buys and just assumed it was of the 300,000 homes available on cable, but forgot to factor in the 300,000 homes it was also available in via satellite. Dave’s received reports that there were 6 million potential homes for the Bunkhouse finals, but that seems high to him. Even matching the buyrate of Starrcade at that number would mean over $3 million in gross revenue, and Dave doesn’t think they were remotely close to that.

- Anyway, Dave goes through the Bunkhouse finals. An estimated 7,000 were in the arena, and the dark match was Sting and Jimmy Garvin beating the Sheepherders by DQ. Nikita Koloff retained the NWA TV title against Bobby Eaton in a 20 minute draw. -2 stars. Larry Zbyszko beat Barry Windham for the Western States Title, with the match starting slow and getting very good in the last ten minutes. 3.5 stars. Road Warrior Hawk beat Ric Flair by DQ in the NWA World Title match. 3.75 stars. Dusty Rhodes won the Bunkhouse Stampede finals. Lots of blood, a lot of guys going the distance you wouldn’t expect to have the stamina to do so (the match was 26 minutes long), and it was exactly what was promised and was good stuff. 3 stars.

Watch: a brief clip of the bunkhouse finals

- As for the Royal Rumble, the crowd appeared to be nearly sold out with almost 18,000 in attendance. Ricky Steamboat beat Rick Rude by DQ. Heavy with rest holds and stalling before the final two minutes had them trading near falls constantly and getting good heat from it. 2 stars. The Jumping Bomb Angels won the WWF Women’s Tag Titles from the Glamour Girls in a 2/3 falls match. They started behind with Judy Martin getting the first fall, then the Angels won two straight falls with each Angel pinning Judy Martin (sunset flip and double missile dropkicks, respectively). It was a good match, but not great - the Angels missed a lot of moves and seemed to be out of shape. 3 stars. Jum Duggan won the Royal Rumble, last eliminating One Man Gang. The match was much better than Dave anticipated, and the match went on roughly at the same time as the Bunkhouse finals match. Better camera work in it, and Dave notes that WWF seems to have fudged the two minute intervals after a bit. 3.5 stars. The Islanders beat the Young Stallions (Paul Roma and Jim Powers; Dave’s nickname for them is The Barbie Dolls) in two straight falls. He makes a weird joke about a submission actually working on a pushed guy (Haku submitted Roma with a Boston crab) making him go out for “Oriental food” afterwards because it was so surprising. I’m too confused to even know what to make of the line. 2.5 stars.

Watch: the finish to the 1988 Royal Rumble match
  • Outside the matches, Royal Rumble had some other stuff. Andre and Hogan had a contract signing for the Main Event, where Andre slammed Hogan’s head into the table and pushed the table onto him. Dave’s amazed people buy Hogan as a face, because there’s just something naturally dislikable about people who act the way Hogan does and he thinks Vince could probably get Lee Harvey Oswald over as a face. Dino Bravo attempted to set a world bench press record. Of course, the weights were as legit as the half a million dollars Dusty supposedly won, but Bravo’s supposedly able to bench over 600 lbs legit. Jesse Ventura helped him with “715 lbs” and then claimed he didn’t help at all (the Road Warriors are scheduled to bench on the 30th and were originally planned to use legit weights, but they’ll have to use bogus weights to keep from looking weak next to WWF’s monsters now). Anyway, now they’ll bill Bravo as unofficial bench record holder, and that should get him heat because of the obvious cheating.
  • Next up then for WWF is The Main Event on February 5. Dave’s told not to worry about Andre, because his back is in much better shape than last year. He and Hogan are practicing daily and have worked out the gist of the match. Dave says you can be sure to expect Ted DiBiase to interfere somehow on the 5th.
  • Stampede is continuing to do good business and nearly selling out all their big shows. Chris Benoit and Great Gama get 4 stars (from Trent Walters, who I guess submitted the reports for the matches in Edmonton) for their Commonwealth Title match from January 9 in Edmonton.
  • [Stampede] Jason the Terrible has been made an “honorary member” of Bad Company, Bruce Hart and Brian Pillman’s tag team. So now in addition to the hockey mask he’s also got sunglasses over the hockey mask and a bandana and a black leather jacket. The whole getup is hilarious.
  • Do you remember Central States? Mike George won the WWA World Title tournament on January 23. They had 800 fans. Match ended on blood stoppage.
  • Speaking of blood, Keiji Mutoh is headed to Puerto Rico.
  • Tatsumi Fujinami and Kengo Kimura won the IWGP World Tag Titles from Yoshiaki Fujiwara and Kazuo Yamazaki on January 18. Riki Choshu and Super Strong Machine were originally slated to face the tag champs, but Choshu injured his knee and had to miss the match. Dave expects Choshu and Machine to face Fujinami and Kimura on February 7. He then goes on about how bad Choshu’s luck has been lately. Dave thinks he was supposed to win the tournament, except the Maeda shoot happened, and he was definitely supposed to win the tag titles (the match was scheduled for his hometown and New Japan actually does nice things for wrestlers in front of their home audiences). And with all the work they’ve put into getting Choshu on tv, it’s surprising they’ve phased him down the card so much from where he was.
  • Lots of stuff about Vader’s look in New Japan. On December 27 he wore long tights and had Road Warrior Hawk’s hair, and it didn’t get him over at all. On January 4 he had a mask and full bodysuit to hide his size. January 11 saw him ditch the bodysuit and keep the mask. The evolution of a mastodon, I guess.
  • Antonio Inoki began negotiations with Fuji TV after TV Asahi scheduled NJPW tv to move to midnight Mondays, and TV Asahi caved. They’ll now be on a 5 pm Saturday time slot. It’s not as good as their old Monday evening slot, but it’s not a death slot like midnight Monday.
  • Akira Maeda turned down NJPW’s plan to have him go to the U.S. Also, he and NJPW are fighting over his contract. They offered him a new contract for 1988 with a 15% pay cut and he’s not willing to sign it.
  • There are rumors that Inoki will wrestle Koji Kitao (the sumo wrestler mentioned a few weeks back) at the Tokyo Dome in April. Kitao is 24 years old and 6’5.5”, weighing 345 lbs. The story of his exit from Sumo is he apparently lost his temper and started kicking one of his sponsors (who is 92 years old) and the knocked his stable master’s wife through a sliding door. Dave’s been told if this match does happen, it could draw very big. Kitao is denying he’s going into wrestling (nope). Kitao was made a yokozuna in 1986, just before he turned 23, because the sumo hierarchy felt they needed a new young star to create interest in the younger generation of fans. But Kitao liked the party lifestyle and didn’t care for tradition, and sumo does not tolerate that. But you can’t demote a yokozuna, and that made him controversial (it would turn out that most of this was made up because Kitao’s stablemaster didn’t like him and felt he was underperforming and wanted him out - more on Kitao’s sumo years here if you want to read it). Turns out sumo is kind of worked too, though not as much as pro wrestling.
  • All Japan is promoting a “Martial Arts Olympic” show on April 2 at Sumo Hall, to feature all kinds of stuff. Tiger Mask II and Giant Baba will team against some foreigners, Japan Women’s Pro Wrestling (the group running against AJW) will have two matches on the show (Miss A vs. Harley Saito and Rumi Kazama vs. Xochitl Hamada). There will be boxing, kick boxing, the original Tiger Mask Satoru Sayama’s “shooting” sport he invented, shoot boxing (boxing + wrestling with gloves), and more. The whole show is being billed as a memorial service to Ikki Kajiwara, who created the Tiger Mask cartoon and comic.
  • When baseball season starts, All Japan’s tv will be moved to 10:30-11:30 pm Sunday nights. Usually they get moved to Saturday afternoon during baseball season, and this shift will lose Baba lots of money and viewers.
  • While Crockett and McMahon ran big shows on January 24, Giant Baba met with their rivals in Las Vegas. Baba’s plan in the U.S. is to send his guys, as well as Bruiser Brody, Abdullah the Butcher, Jimmy Snuka, Stan Hansen, and Terry Gordy to smaller promotions to help them fight against the big two.
  • Dave finally saw Hennig vs. Tiger Mask II. Not terrible, but no heat and little action, he thinks. Meanwhile, John Tenta’s improving well, and Baba seems high on Akira Taue, though he’s so new it’s hard to guess what kind of future he has.
  • [AJW] Yukai Omori’s retirement show will be on February 15. This was announced after her January 15 world title match with Chigusa Nagayo, where she said if she couldn’t win the title she was ending her career. They went 32 minutes to a double count out in the ring after both collapsed.
  • [Memphis] Lawler vs. Hennig for the AWA Title on January 18 had Lawler’s ring on the line as well. Hennig promised to give his dad the ring if he won, and Larry Hennig was there. The Axe helped Curt win, and Curt gave him the ring, but Lalwer stole it back.
  • Memphis local prelim wrestler Jerry Bryant has been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease.
  • Global Wrestling in Florida somehow turned what was an awful live show on January 22 into a good tv show. They taped on Friday night and by Sunday had it polished up into a good looking product. The miracles of post-production. Issues with the live show included starting 30 minutes late, long delays between matches, the ring mic not working, and bad wrestlers. What they lack in wrestling talent, though, they make up for in knowing how to make a tv show that’s on the level of World Class and better than Crockett or AWA.
  • Continental (Alabama) did a bench press contest between Lord Humongous (not Sid, but Gary Nation) and Doug Furnas. They fudged the weights here, as Humongous did 645 lbs and then Furnas did it twice (his best in competition has been 600) before Humongous pushed the bar down on Furnas and “injured his ribs.”
  • Apparently the Observer was mentioned positively in the Detroit News by Justice B. Hill in the January 17 issue.
  • Since Dave started writing this issue, he’s been flooded with fans writing about the Bunkhouse finals. The reaction he’s gotten has largely been negative, with those there live being extra negative about it. Crockett really needs to reserve three hours for the next time they do ppv - going too short pisses the fans off, and ppv viewers expected the show to last past 9 pm. Another difference between WWF and NWA is that WWF always gets their hottest acts on the mic at some point during ppvs and big live specials (twice in the case of Hogan and DiBiase at Royal Rumble), while at Starrcade they didn’t have Flair, Dusty, or Cornette talk once. Instead Jim Garvin gave the worst promo of his career, Michael Hayes was quiet for the first time ever, and they shoved Steve Williams and Nikita Koloff on the mic for some reason. At the Bunkhouse Finals they had no interviews, and getting mic time for Flair or Dusty or Luger while they set up the cage would have been a big help. More of Dave wondering when Crockett will realize they’ve killed the credibility of their world champion and thus killed the drawing power of the belt.
  • Michael Hayes has apparently quit Crockett and everyone expects him to go back to World Class. And if Steve Williams doesn’t come back, they’ll probably just forget about the UWF Title entirely rather than doing a unification match.
  • A couple letters this week requesting that Dave keep up the coverage of wrestling in Japan. Another couple letters praising how good Stampede has been lately. Canada and Japan, bringing us the best in wrestling.
  • Another letter writer asks Dave to realize how offensive it is to refer to a wrestling match as “a total abortion” and to consider that he’s probably offended many female readers of the newsletter. Dave apologizes and says he’ll stop using the term, before doing a “well, actually” bit. It’s a kind of weird response. Judge it for yourselves.
I apologize for that one and will quit using the term. Actually the term abortion for a bad match is a business term just like jobber, mark, babyface and the rest. But there are a few business terms (mainly for ethnic wrestlers and ethnic fans) which are in bad taste that I don’t use, so I’ll add that one to the list.
  • Tickets for Wrestlemania IV go on sale January 30. The best 2000 seats in the Convention Center are being reserved as freebies for casino high rollers. And as a heads up, this is the location it does take place at. They called it Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino during the show, but it’s the same building. More on that as we get to Wrestlemania.
  • If Dave can find the space next week, he’s going to talk about whether or not “30 minute matches which ‘tell a story’” work for today’s fans. He really enjoyed the Windham/Blanchard match on tv but there was no crowd reaction, so he’s beginning to wonder if this is even a style that resonates anymore.
  • Everyone’s asking Dave for predictions about Hogan vs. Andre. So here’s his prediction (and he is way off on many parts of this):
DiBiase will interfere and Andre will pin Hogan on 2/5, however Jack Tunney will prove he can’t be bought and hold the title up so Ted doesn’t get the title, and order a rematch in a cage at WM4 so Ted can’t interfere (and also so Andre can lose without doing a job). Hulk will win on a fluke, and they’ll run Hulk vs. Andre over the summer in your local cities after Hulk gets back from playing Hulk Hogan in the movies.
  • ”There was a clip in Detroit about Hogan, saying that ‘he’s nice[r] than Kirk Gibson, but not by much.’” Gibson’s reputation is of being a total asshole to fans, especially kids.
  • Crockett is billing FlaiAnderson vs. LugeWindham on Feb. 6 as the first time Flair goes against Lex anywhere. It’s forgivable to forget Lex’s Florida days, but they’ve got FlaiBlanchard vs. LugeRhodes booked for February 2.
  • Apparently Road Warrior Hawk’s neo-nazi line is just a quote from The Breakfast Club. Okay. So I guess the first letter writer was mishearing him and he’s saying “Neo-maxi-zoom dweebie”? TVtropes gives us this, from the October 3, 1987 episode of NWA World Championship Wrestling: HAWK: "WELL, Tony Schiavone, There Are Two Kinds Of People, as far as me and Animal are concerned. Clamheads and Neo-Maxi Zoom Dweebies." (the Road Warriors consider themselves the latter). And corroborating with the WWE Network, yeah, the line comes through pretty clear. Network 4 minutes in, and yeah, he’s not calling himself a neo-nazi. Definitely an error by that letter writer, and what a weird line for Hawk of all people to utter.
THURSDAY: WWF’s Big Four are born; The Main Event; Rock & Roll Express, Michael Hayes, and Steve Williams update; Tenryu wins all the awards in Japan; and more
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